Hosting Mervis SCADA offers the option to use custom branding and run the entire hosted application on your own domain.

Below are the basic requirements.

Branding is tied to the customer domain. It is necessary to register the appropriate second-level domain (e.g., or third-level domain (e.g., and point its CNAME DNS records to or direct it to the corresponding IP address.


Square image (logo) displayed in various places depending on the type of device (browser tab, history, favorite pages, desktop icon on a mobile device….)

File Format Size Description
favicon.ico .ico 16×16, 32×32 Required. Main application icon
apple-touch-icon.png .png 180×180 Recommended. Icon for iPhone and iPad
android-192×192.png .png 192×192 Recommended. Icon for Android devices
android-512×512.png .png 512×512 Recommended. Icon for Android devices
favicon-size.png .png 24×24, 64×64, 128×128, … Optional. Additional icons with various sizes
name.svg .svg 16×16 - 512×512 Optional. SVG icon for light and dark browser themes


Supported image formats for logos are all those supported by HTML. Preferred formats are png, svg, and jpg. The optimal size for each logo is provided, which depends on the element into which the logo is inserted. If the logo is larger than the parent element, it will be resized to fit the element. If the logo is smaller than the parent element, its size will be maintained and the logo will be centered within the element.

Configuration Item Optimal Size Description
ESGVisionConfig.AppLogo 168×64 Application logo on the login screen

Configuration Item Optimal Size Description
ESGVisionConfig.AppLogoSmall 84×32 Application logo in the top left corner of the user interface

Configuration Item Optimal Size Description
ESGVisionConfig.AppLoadingImage 418×160 Application logo displayed during data loading

Configuration Item Optimal Size Description
ESGVisionConfig.LoginLogo 168×64 Supplementary logo on the login screen. The logo can be placed anywhere within the login screen space

Configuration Items

Configuration Item Type Description
ESGVisionConfig.AppTitle string Application title displayed in the browser window (browser tab)

Configuration Item Type Description
ESGVisionConfig.ShowLoginContacts boolean Enable or disable the display of contacts on the login screen. Specific contact settings are configured via the ESGVisionConfig.LoginContacts item
Configuration Item Type Description
ESGVisionConfig.LoginContacts string[] Array of objects for setting contacts on the login screen. Each object can contain items name, email, mobile, link

Configuration Item Type Description
ESGVisionConfig.ShowMervisNews boolean Show or hide Mervis news on the login screen

Configuration Item Type Description
ESGVisionConfig.LoginWidth string (e.g., “350px”) Width of the form on the login screen

Color Scheme

Basic Colors

This table lists the colors that suffice for basic branding of the entire application. Additional detailed settings of individual colors for specific application elements can be found below.


Name Original Value
mainBackgroundColor #3399cc
mainButtonColor #004d7d
invColor #ffffff
mainButtonActiveColor #66ccff
alarmButtonActiveColor #ff6666
menuButtonBackgroundDisabledColor #767676
commErrorButtonHoverColor #ff9999
alarmMainButtonColor #990000
historyButtonColor #006633

Login Screen


Name Original Value
loginBackgroundColor #3399cc
loginTextColor #ffffff
signInMainButtonColor #004d7d
signInTextColor #ffffff
invColor #ffffff

Active Button:

Name Original Value
mainButtonActiveColor #66ccff

Main Screen


Name Original Value
mainBackgroundColor #3399cc
invColor #ffffff

Project Tabs


Name Original Value
mainBackgroundColorProjectsDropdown #004d7d
projectLabelButtonColor #004d7d
mainBackgroundColor #3399cc
commErrorButtonHoverColor #ff9999
alarmButtonActiveColor #ff6666
invColor #ffffff


Name Original Value
menuButtonBackgroundActiveColor #66ccff
dpFilterDropdownButtonColor #004d7d
dpSelectionColor #ff6666
menuButtonBackgroundDisabledColor #767676

Tree View


Name Original Value
projectTreeSelectedBgColor #ffffff
mainButtonActiveColor #66ccff
projectTreeBgColor #ffffff

Right Panel


Name Original Value
invColor #ffffff
alarmMainButtonColor #990000
historyButtonColor #006633
arrowUpDisableColor #006600
arrowDownDisableColor #660000
timeRecency2Color #cccccc
timeRecency3Color #333333
timeRecency4Color #666666
textColorRecency #ffffff

Active Elements:

Name Original Value
alarmBackgroundColor #cc3333
historyBackgroundColor #009966
alarmButtonActiveColor #ff6666
arrowUpActiveColor #33cc33
arrowDownActiveColor #ff3333

Table View


Name Original Value
dpFilterButtonColor #004d7d
dpTypeDiscreteInputIconColor #999900
mainButtonInactiveColor #666666
dpTypeDiscreteOutputIconColor #009900
dpTypeDateTimeInputOutputIconColor #993300
timeRecency2Color #cccccc
timeRecency3Color #333333
timeRecency4Color #666666
textColorRecency #ffffff
icoCommErrorColor #ff6666
icoAlarmWarningColor #ff9966
alarmFilterAcknowledgedButtonActiveColor #66ff66
icoAlarmInformColor #66ccff
tableGridHeadBacgroundColor #004d7d
tableRowActiveColor #33cccc
dpTableColor #3399cc
dpTableColorActive #66ccff
dpTableTextColorActive #cc3333
mainButtonColor #004d7d
menuBackgroundColor #0f5b8a



Name Original Value
projectTreeBgColor #ffffff

Color | #ff6666 |

alarmFilterActiveButtonColor #913307
alarmFilterMemoryButtonColor #004d7d
alarmFilterAcknowledgedButtonColor #029307
alarmFilterMemoryNotActiveButtonColor #008ab4
tableRowGroupColor #cccccc
invColor #ffffff
mainBackgroundColor #3399cc
alarmBackgroundColor #cc3333
alarmMainButtonColor #990000
mainButtonColor #004d7d

Active Filters:

Name Original Value
alarmFilterActiveButtonActiveColor #f19366
alarmFilterMemoryButtonActiveColor #66ccff
alarmFilterAcknowledgedButtonActiveColor #66ff66
alarmFilterMemoryNotActiveButtonActiveColor #6ed7f7

Project History, Project Statistics


Name Original Value
mainButtonDisabledColor #333333
historyButtonColor #006633
historyButtonActiveColor #33cc99
historyBackgroundColor #009966
invColor #ffffff
mainBackgroundColor #3399cc


Name Original Value
menuGroupBackgroundColor #126aa1
menuTextColor #ffffff
menuBackgroundColor #0f5b8a

Active Row:

Name Original Value
tableRowActiveColor #33cccc


Name Original Value
modalTextColor #ffffff
modalBackgroundColor #004d7d
modalButtonColor #3399cc
mainButtonActiveColor #66ccff
invColor #ffffff

Overview Panel


Name Original Value
invColor #ffffff
alarmButtonActiveColor #ff6666
overviewHeaderColor #004d7d
overviewHeaderColorHover #66ccff
projectPanelIcoGoodColor #009900
projectPanelIcoBadColor #ff6666
overviewGoToSchemaColor #004d7d
mainButtonDisabledColor #333333



Name Original Value
noteOrange #e19e6b
noteRed #f25a64
noteGreen #a6cf7d
noteBlue #7dbecf
noteGrey #a6a6a6
noteYellow #f2ce5a
noteViolet #b680cb

Configuration Item Optimal Size Description
appLogo 300×64 Application logo on the login screen

Color Scheme

Basic Colors

This table lists the colors that suffice for basic branding of the entire application. Additional detailed settings of individual colors for specific application elements can be found below.


Name Original Value
bg-color #ffffff
header-bg-color #ffffff
header-text-color #2e5e85
header-tab-active-bg-color #2e5e85
header-tab-active-color #ffffff
header-tab-color #2e5e85
header-tab-bg-color #f2f2f2

Datapoint Table


Name Original Value
primary-color #2e5e85
main-menu-active-color #2e5e85
main-menu-bg-color #ffffff
main-menu-color #9b9b9b
dp-group-selector-border-color #2e5e85
mobile-app-level-1 #dde9f3
mobile-app-level-2 #e870f7
mobile-app-level-3 #f4f8fb
badquality-base-color #eb9019
recency-brand-new #80ba45
selected-bg-color #2fb12a

Alarm Table


Name Original Value
primary-color #2e5e85
header-border-color #babfc7

Profile Screen


Name Original Value
section-header-color #ffffff
section-header-bg-color #2e5e85
primary-inverse-color #ffffff
primary-color #2e5e85
select-border-color #a6a6a6
switch-color #a6a6a6
switch-active-color #2e5e85
slider-color #2e5e85


Name Original Value
primary-color #2e5e85
primary-inverse-color #ffffff
header-border-color #babfc7
disabled-element #a6a6a6

Loading Indicator


Name Original Value
indication-panel-bg-color #a6a6a6
loading-bg-color #80ba45

Offline Indicator


Name Original Value
offline-bg-color #a50d18

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