Control blinds




!! Without time setting, the block is down!!

The block is used to control the blinds either with the up/down command or with the percentage of position and rotation. For the proper functionality of the block, it is necessary to define times of the variables.

  • The STOP button works by pressing both command buttons at the same time.
  • perc_rot is inactive when leaving the top position for a period of rotation_time.
  • calib_time it is the time that serves to calibrate the position. Calibration runs from the angle of the direction to the starting position at the top (0%). Ideally, set it up slightly longer than the full rollout time.
  • rotation_time is the transition time between the minimum and the maximum of the blinds opening. For the proper functionality of the block, it is important to correctly set this value together with rolling_time.
  • time_delay is the protection period that is triggered by the falling edge of the command up (down), During which the command down (up) is blocked. (Does not apply to the STOP button)
Input Type Description Default value
calib_time TIME The time that calibration is running (relay up is switched ON). 0s
cmd_down BOOL Command to scroll down. FALSE
cmd_up BOOL Command to scroll up. FALSE
hold_time TIME The time it takes to hold the button to automatically roll up/down.2s
perc_pos USINTSetting the position of the blinds in percent. 0%
perc_rot USINTSetting the position of the blinds in percent. 0%
re_calib BOOL Rissing edge of the signal will start the calibration. FALSE
rolling_time TIME Time distance of limits positions (0-100%). 2min
rotation_timeTIME Time distance of limits rotations (0-100%). 0s
time_delay TIME Protective time for changing the scrolling direction. 500ms
Output TypeDescription
relay_downBOOLRelay down is switched ON.
relay_up BOOLRelay up is switched ON.

  • © Energocentrum Plus, s.r.o. 2017 - 2024