Reset Block (v1.0)


  • Lib.Mervis

A block used to generate reset pulses based on input from I/O or HMI. Version 1.1 of the block is identical but includes error state handling!

program test
        reset: lib.mervis.v1_0.ResetBlock;

Name Data TypeRetainMandatory Connection Meaning
HwResetInput bool No Yes Input for reset button from I/O
Delay time No No Duration of the generated pulse
PulseCount int No No Number of pulses generated during Delay. Valid range is 1..20
Name Data TypeMeaning
Out bool Output
Name Data TypeMeaning
SwReset.In bool Variable for reset from HMI

The block is used to generate reset pulses from a reset button connected to I/O or from HMI. A rising edge on the HwResetInput or SwReset.In input generates PulseCount pulses on the Out output for the duration of Delay. The triggering inputs do not need to be returned to the inactive level; the block manages this automatically.

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