IEC 60870-5-104 Server

Mervis RT includes the functionality of an IEC 60870-5-104 server to provide data access to third parties.

  • Ethernet

Important: For the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol to function, Mervis RT must be activated with an extended license that includes this protocol.

As with other protocols, using the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol requires defining a server channel of the appropriate type at the PLC level.

One or more devices can be defined on the channel, differing in the set Common Address (ASDU) and TCP port.

  • Enable - True/False
  • Link Protocol - TCP only

IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol Parameters

  • Maximum Number of Unacknowledged APDU (K-value)
  • Maximum Number of Unacknowledged APDU (W-value)
  • Timeout of Acknowledgement (t1) - time interval
  • Timeout of Acknowledgement via S-frame (t2) - time interval
  • Timeout of Test Frame (t3) - time interval
  • Check Maximum Delay of Control Commands - True/False
  • Maximum Delay of Control Commands - time interval
  • Remap Types for Interrogation - True/False
    • During initial interrogation, data types with time stamps will be replaced with data types without time stamps.

Device properties include parameters for connecting clients to the server:

  • Enable - True/False

TCP Parameters

  • IP Address
    • The address of the network interface on which the server should listen. Currently, only the value for all interfaces is supported.
  • Port - The TCP port on which the server listens. Default value 2404

IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol Parameters

  • Common Address (ASDU)

IEC 60870-5-104 Data Point Parameters

  • Identification Object Address
  • Identification Object Type
  • Mapped Variable
M_SP_NA_1 [1] Single point information
M_SP_TA_1 [2] Single point information with time tag
M_DP_NA_1 [3] Double point information
M_DP_TA_1 [4] Double point information with time tag
M_ST_NA_1 [5] Step position information
M_ST_TA_1 [6] Step position information with time tag
M_BO_NA_1 [7] Bitstring of 32 bits
M_BO_TA_1 [8] Bitstring of 32 bits with time tag
M_ME_NA_1 [9] Measured normalized value
M_ME_TA_1 [10] Measured normalized value with time tag
M_ME_NB_1 [11] Measured scaled value
M_ME_TB_1 [12] Measured scaled value with time tag
M_ME_NC_1 [13] Measured short floating point value
M_ME_TC_1 [14] Measured short floating point value with time tag
M_ME_ND_1 [21] Measured normalized value without quality descriptor
M_SP_TB_1 [30] Single point information with CP56Time2a time tag
M_DP_TB_1 [31] Double point information with CP56Time2a time tag
M_ST_TB_1 [32] Step position information with CP56Time2a time tag
M_BO_TB_1 [33] Bitstring of 32 bits with CP56Time2a time tag
M_ME_TD_1 [34] Measured normalized value with CP56Time2a time tag
M_ME_TE_1 [35] Measured scaled value with CP56Time2a time tag
M_ME_TF_1 [36] Measured short floating point value with CP56Time2a time tag
C_SC_NA_1 [45] Single command
C_DC_NA_1 [46] Double command
C_RC_NA_1 [47] Regulating step command
C_SE_NA_1 [48] Set-point command, normalised value
C_SE_NB_1 [49] Set-point command, scaled value
C_SE_NC_1 [50] Set-point command, short floating point value
C_BO_NA_1 [51] Bitstring command, 32 bits
C_SC_TA_1 [58] Single command with CP56Time2a time tag
C_DC_TA_1 [59] Double command with CP56Time2a time tag
C_RC_TA_1 [60] Regulating step command with CP56Time2a time tag
C_SE_TA_1 [61] Set-point command, normalised value with CP56Time2a time tag
C_SE_TB_1 [62] Set-point command, scaled value with CP56Time2a time tag
C_SE_TC_1 [63] Set-point command, short floating point value with CP56Time2a time tag
C_BO_TA_1 [64] Bitstring command, 32 bits with CP56Time2a time tag
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