Bulk Message Sender (8 inputs)


  • Lib.Mervis
program test
        sender: lib.mervis.v1_0.MessageSender;

Name Data TypeRetainMust Connect Meaning
Input1 bool No No Rising edge sends message Message1
Input2 bool No No Rising edge sends message Message2
Input3 bool No No Rising edge sends message Message3
Input4 bool No No Rising edge sends message Message4
Input5 bool No No Rising edge sends message Message5
Input6 bool No No Rising edge sends message Message6
Input7 bool No No Rising edge sends message Message7
Input8 bool No No Rising edge sends message Message8
Message1..Message8string No No Message corresponding to the respective input Input*
MessagingChannel string No No Name of the channel used for sending messages
Recipient string No No Message recipient (either email or phone number in international format +420… 00420…)
Sender string No No Sender's email (only if sending via email)
Subject string No No Email subject (only if sending via email)
SmsOrEmail string No No Specifies whether it is an SMS (=true) or email (=false) channel
Name Data Type Meaning
LastStatusint Status of the last performed operation (sending SMS or email)
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