Get Exception Error Code


The function returns number codes of error messages.

Input TypeDescription
TASKIDSINTID of the task to follow. If it is 0, the currently running task is used. Otherwise it is the task number increased by 1.

The task number is stated in the first column of the task definition table:

DINTNumber of current exception
    oError = 0,
    FormatCategory        = 0x01000000,
    BuiltInCategory       = 0x02000000,
    InterpretCategory     = 0x04000000,
    Format                = 0 + FormatCategory,
    BuiltIn               = 0 + BuiltInCategory,
    StackOverflow         = 0 + InterpretCategory,
    InvalidOpcode         = 1 + InterpretCategory,
    InvalidOperands       = 2 + InterpretCategory,
    TwoOperandsRequired   = 3 + InterpretCategory, 
    OperandRequired       = 4 + InterpretCategory,
    AddrUIDsDoNotMatch    = 5 + InterpretCategory,
    NonexistentStackEntry = 6 + InterpretCategory,
    AddressRequired       = 7 + InterpretCategory,
    InvalidAddress        = 8 + InterpretCategory,
    OffsetOutOfRange      = 9 + InterpretCategory,
    InvalidParameter      = 10 + InterpretCategory,
    ParamCountMismatch    = 11 + InterpretCategory,
    IntegerRequired       = 12 + InterpretCategory,
    ParamMissing          = 13 + InterpretCategory,
    InvalidCALLParameter  = 14 + InterpretCategory,
    ParamSizeMismatch     = 15 + InterpretCategory,
    InvalidReturnValue    = 16 + InterpretCategory,
    NoReturnValue         = 17 + InterpretCategory,
    SizeMismatch          = 18 + InterpretCategory,
    HaltedProgram         = 19 + InterpretCategory,
    DivideByZero          = 20 + InterpretCategory,
    BadStackOnReturn      = 21 + InterpretCategory,
    ThreeOperandsRequired = 22 + InterpretCategory,
    UserException         = 23 + InterpretCategory,
    OutOfBoundsException  = 24 + InterpretCategory
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