Data Identification

Every variable stored in Mervis DB is identified by set of keys and values. Combination of of keys and values marked with attribute “IsKey=true” defines unique identification of variable (equivalent to primary key known from SQL world).

Any string that consists of characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., _, - can be used as a key. The key must not start with underscore (“_”) character and must not be empty.

Any string that consists of characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., _, - can be used as a value.

It's recommended to use the following structure of keys and values for new projects and Mervis DB clients.

DataSource “MyDS” False Unique identification of the particular data source type.
Root “MyDsServer1” True Unique identification of the particular Mervis DB client.
Guid “var546” True Unique identification of variable generated by Mervis DB client.
Level1 “MyLevel1Id” False
Level2 “MyLevel2Id” False
Level3 “MyLevel3Id” False
Level4 “MyLevel4Id” False
Level5 “MyLevel5Id” False
Name “My Variable” False
Unit “m3” False
DataSource “SCADASystemXY” False Unique identification of the particular data source type.
Root “Server18” True Unique identification of the particular Mervis DB client.
Guid “aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-ddddd-eeeee” True Unique identification of variable generated by Mervis DB client.
Level1 “SiteNr500” False
Level2 “Building A” False
Level3 “Floor 7” False
Level4 “Room 17” False
Level5 “SouthEast” False
Name “Indoor Temperature” False
Unit “C” False
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