Mervis DB supports open SOAP API described by this WSDL:

Contact technical support for other non-public APIs that can be used for your projects.

SaveDataSave one or multiple records from one or multiple variables
GetData/GetDataAsyncRead one or multiple records from one or multiple variables.
GetParticularData/GetParticulatDataAsyncOptimized method for reading of “special” data - last value, last value after certain time moment etc.
GetVariablesGet the list of variables.
  • (UTC)TimeStamp - UTC time stamp of the record
  • GoodThrough - UTC time stamp of the end of validity of particular record
  • Interval - period of time (in seconds) when next value should be recorded



using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MervisDb_GetData_Example.MervisDbService;
namespace MervisDb_GetData_Example {
 class Program {
  static void Main(string[] args) {
   // Demo of asynchronous methods.
   var task = Task.Run(async() => {
    // Create access to the real server.
    // Without SSL connections, you have to remove binding parameters "<security mode="Transport"/>" in the App.config.
    // The client is automatically generated from the WSDL file available here: https://kb.mervis.info/doku.php/en:mervis-db:10-api
    using(HistoryDbAccessClient client = new HistoryDbAccessClient("HistoryAccess", "https://localhost:9876/RcWareDbAccess")) {
     // Authentication credetials in the database.
     Credentials credentials = new Credentials {
      Name = "XXXX", Password = "YYYY"
     // Specification of the variables through Key-Value.
     // Here we use 2 variables.
     KeyValuePair[][] keys = new KeyValuePair[][] {
      new KeyValuePair[] {
        new KeyValuePair {
         Key = "DPGuid", Value = "338E2882-D72B-4D17-A241-73E8BC30F458"
        }, new KeyValuePair {
         Key = "StationName", Value = "AAABBB"
       new KeyValuePair[] {
        new KeyValuePair {
         Key = "DPGuid", Value = "CC80211D-3D29-4CC2-91A2-F69483D566B5"
        }, new KeyValuePair {
         Key = "StationName", Value = "AAABBB"
     // From-To dates. The dates must be specified in the UTC time zone.
     DateTime utcTo = DateTime.UtcNow;
     DateTime utcFrom = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1);
     // Retrieving the data goes through cycling of values and variables. The server returns recommended values needed for the the next cycle.
     int variableOffset = 0; // the offset of the variable
     int variableCount = 10; // maximal number of variables returned in one request
     int valueOffset; // the offset of the value
     int valueCount = 1000; // maximal values in on request
     Console.WriteLine("Reading values...");
     do {
      valueOffset = 0;
      do {
       // Execute the request.
       var result = await client.GetDataAsyncAsync(credentials, keys, utcFrom, utcTo, variableOffset, variableCount, valueOffset, valueCount);
       // Check the return code. "0;OK" is what we want.
       if (!result.ReturnCode.StartsWith("0;")) {
        Console.WriteLine("Error on reading: {0}", result.ReturnCode);
       // Cycle through the data and print it out.
       foreach(var valRecord in result.Data) {
        Console.WriteLine("Variable: {0}", String.Concat(valRecord.Keys.Select((i) => {
         return String.Format("{0}={1}; ", i.Key, i.Value);
        foreach(var value in valRecord.Vals) {
         Console.WriteLine("{0}->{1} [{2}] {3}", value.Ts, value.Gt, value.Hvt, value.Dv /* Use value type according to the Hvt (History Value Type) */ );
       valueOffset = result.NextValueOffset;
       variableOffset = result.NextVariableOffset;
      while (valueOffset != -1);
     while (variableOffset != -1);
   Console.WriteLine("DB communication is running in background");
   try {
   } catch (Exception exc) {
    Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", exc.ToString());
   Console.WriteLine("DB communication finished");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MervisDb_SaveData_Example.MervisDbService;
namespace MervisDb_SaveData_Example
	class Program
		static void Main(string[] args)
			// Demo of asynchronous methods.
			var task = Task.Run(async () =>
				// Create access to the real server.
				// Without SSL connections, you have to remove binding parameters "<security mode="Transport"/>" in the App.config.
				// The client is automatically generated from the WSDL file available here: https://kb.mervis.info/doku.php/en:mervis-db:10-api
				using (HistoryDbAccessClient client = new HistoryDbAccessClient("HistoryAccess", "https://localhost:9876/RcWareDbAccess"))
					// Authentication credetials in the database.
					Credentials credentials = new Credentials { Name = "XXXX", Password = "YYYY" };
					// Adding records...
					List<ValueRecord> records = new List<ValueRecord>();
					DateTime utcTimeStamp = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
					// Each value is stored in a ValueRecord structure
					ValueRecord rec = new ValueRecord();
					rec.UtcTimeStamp = utcTimeStamp;                // time stamp of the value, UTC date time must be used
					rec.HistoryValueType = HistoryValueType.Double; // type of the value
					rec.DoubleValue = 23.4;                         // value itself
					rec.Interval = 60.0;                            // sampling period in seconds. When the difference of timestamps of subsequent values if greater than 1.1 multiple of the interval, the data should be considered incomplete.
					rec.Keys = new KeyValuePair[]										// identification of the variable. At least one key-value pair must be "IsKey" to identify a variable.
						new KeyValuePair { IsKey = true, Key = "Root", Value = "Building A"},
                                                new KeyValuePair { IsKey = true, Key = "Guid", Value = "T26549821654"},
						new KeyValuePair { IsKey = false, Key = "Level1", Value = "Floor 1"},
						new KeyValuePair { IsKey = false, Key = "Level2", Value = "Room 7"},
						new KeyValuePair { IsKey = false, Key = "Name", Value = "Temperature"},
						new KeyValuePair { IsKey = false, Key = "Description", Value = "Temperature in the room 7"},
						new KeyValuePair { IsKey = false, Key = "Unit", Value = "°C"},
					// Save data method returns the number of stored records					
					int recordsSaved = await client.SaveDataAsync(credentials, records.ToArray());
					Console.WriteLine("Records saved: {0}", recordsSaved);
			Console.WriteLine("DB communication is running in background");
			catch (Exception exc)
				Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", exc.ToString());
			Console.WriteLine("DB communication finished");

Supported functions

SaveDataSave one or multiple records from one or multiple variables
GetDataRead one or multiple records from one or multiple variables.
GetDataUnmergedRead one or multiple records from one or multiple variables. Allow more setting options than GetData function
GetDataOriginRead data exactly as are stored in the database.
DeleteVariableDelete entire variable or some certain interval.
GetRequiredTimestampGet time stamp depending on input options.


You need to import specialized toolbox to communicate with Mervis DB from Matlab:

help MervisDatabase.supported_function_name


% Instance of Mervis DB
mervisDB = MervisDatabase('username', 'password', 'dbUrl');
% Time interval definition
from = localMatlab2utcMatlab(datenum(2017, 1, 1)); %1.1.2017 in utc
to = localMatlab2utcMatlab(datenum(2017, 31, 1)); %31.1.2017 in utc
samplePeriod = 5*60; % 5 minutes
outputTimeZone = 'Local'; % possible 'Local' or  'Utc' parameter;
% Specifying varibles to download
varKeys1 = {'DPGuid', '338E2882-D72B-4D17-A241-73E8BC30F458';...
            'StationName', 'XXXXXXX'}; % Keys definition of first variable
varKeys2 = {'DPGuid', 'CC80211D-3D29-4CC2-91A2-F69483D566B5';...
            'StationName', 'YYYYYYY'}; % Keys definition of second variable
variable1 = MervisDbVariable(varKeys1); % Create MervisDbVariable object from defined keys
variable2 = MervisDbVariable(varKeys2);
arrayOfVarKeys = [variable1; variable2]; % array of MervisDbVariables objects
% help for function getData
help MervisDatabase.getData
% Download required data
[data, time] = db.getData(arrayOfVarKeys, from, to, samplePeriod, outputTimeZone);
% Get all variables with defined keys
allVaribales = db.getAllVars(varKeys1);


Mervis DB PHP example - getdata
try {
  $soapClient = new SoapClient('./wsdl/singlewsdl.xml', array(
    'trace' => 0,
  $credentials = array(
    'Name' => 'XXXXXXX',
    'Password' => 'YYYYYYY'
  $utcTZ   = new DateTimezone('UTC'); //all time realted values are expected in UTC
  $utcFrom = new DateTime('-120minutes', $utcTZ); //
  $utcTo   = new DateTime('now', $utcTZ); //
  $valOffset = 0;
  $valCount  = 20; //how many values should be returned in one request at most. Recommended value: 5000
  $varOffset = 0;
  $varCount  = 4; //how many variable should be returned in on request at most
  $variablesKey = array(
        'IsKey' => true,
        'Key' => 'DPGuid',
        'Value' => '338E2882-D72B-4D17-A241-73E8BC30F458'
        'IsKey' => true,
        'Key' => 'StationName',
        'Value' => 'AAAAAAAAAA'
        'IsKey' => true,
        'Key' => 'DPGuid',
        'Value' => 'CC80211D-3D29-4CC2-91A2-F69483D566B5'
        'IsKey' => true,
        'Key' => 'StationName',
        'Value' => 'BBBBBBB'
  echo "Reading values from: {$utcFrom->format('c')} to: {$utcTo->format('c')}\n\n";
  $counter = 0;
  do {
    $response  = null;
    $valOffset = 0;
    do {
      $response  = $soapClient->GetData(array(
        'credentials' => $credentials,
        'variablesKey' => $variablesKey,
        'utcFrom' => $utcFrom->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'),
        'utcTo' => $utcTo->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'),
        'valueOffset' => $valOffset,
        'valueCount' => $valCount,
        'variableCount' => $varCount,
        'variableOffset' => $varOffset
      $valOffset = $response->nextValueOffset;
      $varOffset = $response->nextVariableOffset;
      foreach ($response->GetDataResult->Mvr as $varArray) {
        foreach ($varArray->Keys->KeyValuePair as $kvp) //the set of keys depends on the source of the data
          if ($kvp->Key == 'DPName') {
            echo "\n{$kvp->Value}\n";
        if (isset($varArray->Vals->I)) {
          foreach ($varArray->Vals->I as $val) {
            echo "  t: {$val->Ts}   Interval: {$val->Ivl}  {$valOffset} {$varOffset}\n";
        } else {
          echo "empty\n";
    } while ($response->nextValueOffset != -1); //-1 - no more data available
  } while ($response->nextVariableOffset != -1); //-1 - no more data available
catch (Exception $e) {

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