Amit DB-Net/IP

The technology of the Mervis Proxy server is also available for Amit controllers. Proper configuration (setting ProxyID, password, and proxy server address) is sufficient for full bidirectional communication with the controller.

Parameter Value
Server address:
However, due to limitations on the controller side, it is necessary to use the IP address for now.
Port for PLC communication with the Proxy server: 6000 (UDP)
Port for client application communication (SCADA, AtouchProxy) 59 (UDP)
ProxyID: Contact technical support Amit or Mervis

The ProxyID format is: “APROX???????????”, where question marks represent uppercase letters and digits.
ProxyPassword: Password for communication with the Proxy server (sending a challenge).
Data type: integer - max range of 32 bits (9 digits)
Example: 12345
It must be provided when creating the ProxyID!
PLCPassword: Password for client connection to the PLC.
Data type: integer - max range of 32 bits (9 digits)
Example: 12345
It must be provided when creating the ProxyID!
  • Swapped PLC password and Proxy password
  • Incorrectly configured PLC IP settings (IP, mask), gateway (GW) not set
  • Local network firewall blocks the connection to the proxy; test with, for example, a personal LTE modem

Add the following two calls to your application code.

:1000 EthNetSeg 0x4DF0BD8A, 6000, 1234, 3000, 0x00000000, SegStv
  • For setting communication parameters - periodic challenges from the PLC
  • 0x4DF0BD8A: IP address = (cannot be entered by name)
  • 6000: port
  • 1234: ProxyPassword

EthDynSnd :1000, 0x0000, "APROX???????????", NONE[0,*], NONE, DynSndVlz, DynSndStv
  • For regularly sending challenges to the server
  • APROX??????????? - assigned ProxyID
  • DynSndStv - contains the communication status, the 1st bit (counting from zero) is set when the station is correctly registered on the proxy server
Alternative Configuration

In certain cases (AMAP99S, NOS V3.56), it is necessary to enter the assigned ProxyID indirectly, in the form of a matrix variable. In the code below, the variable DynhName is used, and the originally used parameter for direct passing is then an empty string. Use this configuration if the communication status is invalid.

DynhName  MI[1,16]   1466  "APROX???????????" 

EthDynSnd :1000, 0x0000, "", DynhName[0,*], NONE, DynSndVlz, DynSndStv

For communication from the Amit application DetStudio, ViewDet, or any third-party application that does not have direct support for Mervis Proxy, you need to have the auxiliary application AtouchProxy properly configured.

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