====== Table View ======
{{ :mervis-scada:ikonaradkovyprehled.png?direct |}}Table View Icon
The table view is a basic visualization of data points. It displays all available information in the project. It allows for control, parameter settings, etc.
{{:cs:mervis-scada:90-how-to:manual_radkovy_pohled.png|}}Table view of an open project
1 Tree View
The overview is divided into levels. The tree view allows for quick and clear searching for the required information displayed in the data points.
2 Data Point
Each data point can be selected by clicking on the square to the left of the timestamp and then displayed in the graph.
{{ :mervis-scada:new_57.png?direct |}}Selecting a data point
| {{:cs:mervis-scada:90-how-to:up.png |}} |Previous selected data point|
| {{:cs:mervis-scada:90-how-to:down.png |}} |Next selected data point |
| {{:mervis-scada:new_9.png?direct |}} |Deselecting data points |
It is possible to navigate between selected data points or completely deselect them.
3 Filtering Data Points
Data points can be filtered by name, which is written into the **Filter**, or by distinctive properties.
{{ :mervis-scada:new80.png?nolink& }}
Filter input field
| {{:cs:mervis-scada:90-how-to:star.png |}} |Favorite data points|
| {{:cs:mervis-scada:90-how-to:filter.png |}} |List of data point filtering options|
| {{:cs:mervis-scada:90-how-to:info.png |}} |Information about the selected data point|
| {{:cs:mervis-scada:90-how-to:checkbox.png |}} |Bulk operations|
| {{:cs:mervis-scada:90-how-to:tag.png |}} |Tag editing|
| {{:cs:mervis-scada:90-how-to:administration.png |}} |Administration|
Non-communication is indicated by
4 Currently Selected Data Points
If at least one data point is selected, information about the active selection and the number of selected data points is displayed.
Any number of data points can be selected from any project available to the user.
By clicking on the symbol, the user is shown a list of all selected data points.
{{:cs:mervis-scada:90-how-to:manual_vybrana_datove_body.png|}}Currently selected points