Installation on the Android System
Application Download
Click on the settings in the upper right corner to expand the browser options.
Select “Install the application”.
On your mobile device, you will find it under this icon
Upon launching the application, you can enter your login credentials.
Projects - Project List
After logging in, your list of projects will be displayed.
Projects can be added to favorites by clicking on the star icon.
The number of data points with communication faults is indicated by a number in an orange circle
The number of data points with active alarms is marked by a number in a red circle
In the list, you can filter by project name, active alarms, and communication faults.
Text View and Graphs
The selected project will be displayed in text view.
Data points with control capability are highlighted in blue on the left side.
The timestamp of the last update of the data point is indicated by the highlighting on the right side.
When held down, the selected data point is marked, and its history can be displayed in a line graph.
Under this tab, you can see an overview of alarms from all your projects.
Profile - User Settings
Here, you will find the settings for your account and also the option to log out.