====== Receiving SMS by FUPLA ====== {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:receivesms_fbd.png?direct|ReceiveSMS_fbd Block}} ==== Full name ==== ReceiveSMS_fbd ===== Library ===== Lib\Unipi ===== Version ===== V1.0 ===== Description ===== With a rising edge on the "ReadSMS" input, the function block will query the last received SMS message. This block is intended **only for FUPLA** and it is not recommended to be called very often, the suitable interval is e.g. 5 seconds. ===== Inputs ===== | Input | Type | Description | | ReadSMS | BOOL | Rising edge starts reading SMS | ===== Outputs ===== |Output |Type |Description | |result |INT | numeric status; result of the system settings check | |sms_channel |STRING | channel at which the SMS modem is connected | |sender |STRING | SMS message sender number | |message |STRING | received SMS message text (ASCII) | |receive_time |DT | time of SMS receiving | ===== Function ===== The ReceiveSMS_fbd block checks the connected modem for SMS messages. The output is the channel number //channel// from which the message was read, message sender number //sender//, time when the SMS was received //receivetime//, the SMS message itself //message,// and result of reading. The //channel// variable refers to the defined communication connection. This must be created in the PLC Properties menu: doubleclick the PLC and select //Message definition//, then right-click the context menu and //Add alarm channel//. {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:sendmail_1.png}} Now, define the channel name which will be the output variable //channel//. Then, the GSM connection type must be defined: click to select the channel and set the port to communicate to the modem in the channel properties. Set the channel communication properties. If the SIM card is secured by a PIN, enter the PIN here. Finally, confirm all changes by clicking OK in the red dialogue. {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:sendsms_1.png}} If some of the predefined modem types is used, like Siemens TC-35 chipset, Wavecom or a Unipi controller. It is possible to set in the //AT command settings// predefined commands to set up the modem. Then click the //Apply// button. The necessary AT commands are then added to the table. Click the //Close// button and confirm by clicking OK in the red dialogue. If another modem type is used, the AT command sequence has to be entered manually. {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:sendsms_2.png}} The output variable //result// indicates the result of the system settings check. |Value|Description | |0 |OK | |16 |Unknown channel | |24 |Error - impossible to determine the status | |25 |Port can not be opened or modem can not be initialised (e.g. wrong COM port number)| |26 |Timeout at the AT command (default 2 s) | |31 |No message | |42 |GSM channel error (e.g. wrong PIN, network not available …) |