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Analog input

Full Name

AI_measure (AI Voltage/Current on Group 1)







This function block is no longer needed since IDE 2.1.x and OS v1.6, its functionality has been moved into newly created datapoints AI_1.01, which also includes setting of measurement type.

This block simplifies work with Analog input 1.1 (AI1.1) as Voltage and Current input at all Neuron models and at the follwing moedls of Axon - S105, S115, S155, M205, M505, L205, L505

To save the configuration it is necessary to write log. 1 to the _NVsave_1 in the variable browse while in Debug mode. Please note: This operation saves the actual state of all output including AO, relays. DO, to startup config!

Since firmware v5.0 (variables Vref_1 and so on has value 0) this block is not necessary and its only needed to write to AO_mode and AO_1. However it can be used, backwards compatibility is preserved.


Input Type Description
mode Voltage/CurrentMeasurement mode (Volts/MiliAmperes)
AI_1 INT Analog input AI_1.01. >Must be connected to the generated HW global variable _AI_1 of the device
Vref_1 INT Must be connected to the generated HW global variable VRef_1 of the device
VrefInt_1 INT Must be connected to the generated HW global variable VrefInt_1 of the device
AI_A_DEV_1 INT Must be connected to the generated HW global variable AI_A_DEV_1 of the device
AI_A_Offset_1INT Must be connected to the generated HW global variable AI_A_Offset_1 of the device
AI_V_DEV_1 INT Must be connected to the generated HW global variable AI_V_DEV_1 of the device
AI_V_Offset_1INT Must be connected to the generated HW global variable AI_V_Offset_1 of the device


V├Żstup Typ V├Żznam
measured_valueREALMeasured value (0-10V/0-25mA).
AI_mode INT Config mode of AI. Must be connected to the generated HW global variable AI_mode_1.01_w of the device

Use case