====== Analog input ====== {{en:mervis-ide:35-help:unipi_ai.png}} ===== Full Name ===== AI_measure (AI Voltage/Current on Group 1) ===== Library ===== LIB\Unipi ===== Version ===== V1.1 ===== Description ===== ==== Important ==== This function block is no longer needed since IDE 2.1.x and OS v1.6, its functionality has been moved into newly created datapoints AI_1.01, which also includes setting of measurement type. ---- This block simplifies work with **Analog input 1.1 (AI1.1)** as Voltage and Current input at **all Neuron models** and at the follwing moedls of **Axon - S105, S115, S155, M205, M505, L205, L505** To save the configuration it is necessary to write log. 1 to the **_NVsave_1** in the variable browse while in Debug mode. **Please note: This operation saves the actual state of all output including AO, relays. DO, to startup config!** Since firmware v5.0 (variables Vref_1 and so on has value 0) this block is not necessary and its only needed to write to AO_mode and AO_1. However it can be used, backwards compatibility is preserved. ===== Inputs ===== |Input |Type |Description | |mode |Voltage/Current|Measurement mode (Volts/MiliAmperes) | |AI_1 |INT |Analog input AI_1.01. >Must be connected to the generated HW global variable _AI_1 of the device| |Vref_1 |INT |Must be connected to the generated HW global variable VRef_1 of the device | |VrefInt_1 |INT |Must be connected to the generated HW global variable VrefInt_1 of the device | |AI_A_DEV_1 |INT |Must be connected to the generated HW global variable AI_A_DEV_1 of the device | |AI_A_Offset_1|INT |Must be connected to the generated HW global variable AI_A_Offset_1 of the device | |AI_V_DEV_1 |INT |Must be connected to the generated HW global variable AI_V_DEV_1 of the device | |AI_V_Offset_1|INT |Must be connected to the generated HW global variable AI_V_Offset_1 of the device | ===== Outputs ===== |V├Żstup |Typ |V├Żznam | |measured_value|REAL|Measured value (0-10V/0-25mA). | |AI_mode |INT |Config mode of AI. Must be connected to the generated HW global variable AI_mode_1.01_w of the device| ===== Use case ===== {{en:mervis-ide:35-help:exampai.png}}