====== Outside Temperature (v1.2) ====== {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:outsidetemperature_v1.2.png}} ==== Full Name ==== Lib.Mervis.v1_2.OutsideTemperature ==== Required Project References ==== * Lib.Mervis ===== Description ===== Block used for processing outside temperature, calculating average daily temperatures, and blocking heating. ===== Usage in ST ===== program test var ot: lib.mervis.v1_2.OutsideTemperature; end_var ot(); end_program ===== Inputs ===== |Name |Data Type|Retain|Mandatory to Connect |Meaning| |Measured |real |No |Yes |Measured temperature from the sensor | | |FailoverTemperature |real |Yes |No |Fallback outside temperature in case of sensor failure | | |FilterConstant |time |No |No |Filter time constant for sensor value filtering | | |SlowFilterConstant |time |No |No |Time constant for a very slow filter for sensor value filtering - used e.g., to distinguish between summer/winter. If set to zero value, the filter is not used| | |AlarmPriority |[[..:..:alarms_alarmprioritytype.htm|AlarmPriorityType]] |No |No |Priority of the alarm generated in case of sensor failure | | |ThresholdSelector |[[..:outsidetemperatureselectortype_v1.1.htm|OutsideTemperatureSelectorType]]|Yes |No |Temperature selection for heating block | | |OutsideTemperatureThreshold|real |Yes |No |Temperature threshold for heating block | | ===== Outputs ===== |Name |Data Type |Meaning| |OutsideTemperature |real |Processed outside temperature | | |AverageYesterday |real |Yesterday's average outside temperature | | |AverageTwoDayBefore |real |Average outside temperature two days ago | | |AverageThreeDayBefore |real |Average outside temperature three days ago | | |TwoDayAverage |real |Average outside temperature over the last two days | | |ThreeDayAverage |real |Average outside temperature over the last three days | | |SlowOutsideTemperature |real |Slow outside temperature - used e.g., for switching between summer/winter| | |EnabledByOutsideTemperature|bool |Heating block INactive | | |AlarmsStatus |[[..:alarmsstatus.htm|Lib.Mervis.v1_0.AlarmsStatus]]|Combined interface for alarm indication | | ===== Blocks ===== |Name |Data Type |Meaning| |Alarms|[[..:alarmsextender1.htm|Lib.Mervis.v1_0.AlarmsExtender1]]|Alarm function of the block\\ \\ |Alarm Input|[[..:alarmspriorities.htm|Priority]]|Meaning |\\ |Alarm1 |see AlarmPriority |Sensor failure|| | ===== Detailed Function Description ===== The block processes the value from the outside temperature sensor using the [[..:safeinput_v1.1.htm|SafeInput]] block. A sensor failure is evaluated based on the measured value, and an error is reported if it is outside the range of -50..90 °C. This value is then processed and the meteorological daily average temperature is calculated (i.e., the average of the temperature at seven, fourteen, and twice at twenty-one hours). Furthermore, it compares the selected temperature with the current one and deactivates the output used for heating block if necessary. ===== Versions ===== {{indexmenu>.170-outsidetemperature#2}}