====== Reset Block with Acknowledgement ====== {{:cs:mervis-ide:35-help:resetblockwithack.png}} ==== Full Name ==== Lib.Mervis.v1_0.ResetBlockWithAck ==== Required Project References ==== * Lib.Mervis ===== Description ===== A block used to generate reset and acknowledgement pulses based on input from I/O or HMI. Version 1.1 of the block is identical but includes error state handling! ===== Usage in ST ===== program test var reset: lib.mervis.v1_0.ResetBlockWithAck; end_var reset(); end_program ===== Inputs ===== |Name |Data Type|Retain|Mandatory Connection |Meaning| |HwResetInput |bool |No |Yes |Input for reset button from I/O | | |HwAckInput |bool |No |No |Input for acknowledgment button from I/O | | |Delay |time |No |No |Duration of the generated pulse | | |PulseCount |int |No |No |Number of pulses generated during //Delay//. Valid range is 1..20| | |CombinedAckAndReset |bool |No |No |If true, the acknowledgment pulse is generated simultaneously with reset pulses| | ===== Outputs ===== |Name |Data Type|Meaning| |Out |bool |Reset output| |Ack |bool |Acknowledgment output| ===== Local Variables ===== |Name |Data Type|Meaning| |SwReset.In|bool |Variable for reset from HMI| |SwAck.In |bool |Variable for acknowledgment from HMI| ===== Detailed Function Description ===== The block is used to generate reset and acknowledgment pulses from buttons connected to I/O or from HMI. A rising edge on the //HwResetInput// or //SwReset.In// input generates //PulseCount// pulses on the //Out// output for the duration of //Delay//. Similarly, a rising edge on the //HwAckInput// or //SwAck.In// input generates //PulseCount// pulses on the //Ack// output if //CombinedAckAndReset// is set to false. Otherwise, acknowledgment pulses are generated simultaneously with reset pulses. The triggering inputs do not need to be returned to the inactive level; the block manages this automatically.