The block is used to eliminate the dead zone of actuators by creating its inversion.
program test var idz: lib.mervis.v1_0.InvertedDeadZone; end_var idz(); end_program
Name | Data Type | Retain | Mandatory Connection | Meaning |
Input | real | No | Yes | Input value |
Eps | real | No | No | Zero band width |
DeadZone | real | No | No | Dead zone width |
FinalX | real | No | No | X-coordinate of the output line |
FinalY | real | No | No | Y-coordinate of the output line |
Name | Data Type | Meaning |
Output | real | Output value |
The block is used to eliminate the dead zone of actuators in response to a change in value. The size of the dead zone is determined by the DeadZone parameter. The transfer characteristic of the block is described by the following diagram
< -Eps, Eps >
, the output of the block is zero(-infinity, -Eps)
, the output is defined by a line with points [-Eps, -DeadZone] → [-FinalX, -FinalY]
(Eps, infinity)
, the output is defined by a line with points [Eps, DeadZone] → [FinalX, FinalY]
For eliminating common dead zones, the following settings are recommended: