A block for calculating the heating medium temperature according to an equithermal curve defined by four points.
program test var eq4p: lib.mervis.v1_0.EquithermalCurve4Point; end_var eq4p(); end_program
Name | Data Type | Retain | Mandatory Connection | Meaning |
In | real | No | Yes | Outdoor temperature |
X1 | real | Yes | No | First point of the curve - outdoor temperature |
Y1 | real | Yes | No | First point of the curve - heating medium temperature |
X2 | real | Yes | No | Second point of the curve - outdoor temperature |
Y2 | real | Yes | No | Second point of the curve - heating medium temperature |
X3 | real | Yes | No | Third point of the curve - outdoor temperature |
Y3 | real | Yes | No | Third point of the curve - heating medium temperature |
X4 | real | Yes | No | Fourth point of the curve - outdoor temperature |
Y4 | real | Yes | No | Fourth point of the curve - heating medium temperature |
DY | real | Yes | No | Offset for the heating medium temperature |
Name | Data Type | Meaning |
Out | real | Calculated heating medium temperature |