====== Two-stage Source (v2.0) ====== {{:cs:mervis-ide:35-help:twostagesource.png}} ==== Full Name ==== Lib.Mervis.v2_0.TwoStageSource ===== Description ===== Block used for controlling the performance of a source (primarily a boiler with a modulated burner and a circulation pump). ==== Required Project References ==== * Lib.Mervis ===== Usage in ST ===== program test var twoStageBoiler: lib.mervis.v2_0.TwoStageSource; end_var twoStageBoiler(); end_program ===== Description of Inputs and Outputs ===== |Inputs |Name |Data Type|Retain|Required Connection |Meaning| |OperatingMode |[[..:..:operatingmodetype.htm|Lib.Mervis.v1_0.OperatingModeType]]|Yes |No |Source operating mode | | |PumpOperatingMode |[[..:..:operatingmodetype.htm|Lib.Mervis.v1_0.OperatingModeType]]|Yes |No |Circulation pump operating mode | | |ManualPower |real |Yes |No |Source power in manual mode | | |Output |real |No |Yes |Controlled variable | | |Demand |[[..:..:stagecontroltype_v2.0.htm|Lib.Mervis.v2_0.StageControlType]]|No |Yes |Combined demand from the [[..:..:cascadecontroller_v2.0.htm|cascade controller]] | | |Feedback |bool |No |No |Feedback signal of source operation | | |Failure |bool |No |No |Feedback signal of source failure | | |PumpFeedback |bool |No |No |Feedback signal of circulation pump operation | | |PumpFailure |bool |No |No |Feedback signal of circulation pump failure | | |ResetRuntime |bool |No |No |Reset runtime hours | | |MinimalOutput |real |No |No |External input for defining the minimum output temperature (if zero, it is not used) | | |LimitForAttach |real |No |No |Limit value of the [[..:..:integralcriterion.htm|criterion]] for activating the second stage | | |LimitForDettach |real |No |No |Limit value of the [[..:..:integralcriterion.htm|criterion]] for deactivating the second stage | | |MaxOutput |real |No |No |Maximum value of the controlled variable, exceeding it is considered a fault | | |FeedbackTimeout |time |No |No |Interval waiting for active source operation feedback | | |FailureCountLimit |uint |No |No |Number of consecutive source errors before it is permanently marked as non-functional | | |FailureDelay |time |No |No |Time after an unsuccessful source start before retrying | | |MinimalRunTime |time |No |No |Minimum time the source will be kept running | | |MinimalStopTime |time |No |No |Minimum time before the source is restarted | | |KeepCommandWhileFailure |bool |No |No |Determines whether the operation command remains active even in case of a fault | | |UseLocalOutput |bool |No |No |Determines whether the control uses the common output or its own (= true) | | |PumpRunDown |time |No |No |Run-down time of the circulation pump after the source is removed from the cascade | | |PumpFeedbackTimeout |time |No |No |Interval waiting for active circulation pump operation feedback | | |PumpNotRunAlarmPriority |[[..:..:..:alarms_alarmprioritytype.htm|AlarmPriorityType]] |No |No |Priority of the circulation pump not running fault | | |PumpFailureAlarmPriority|[[..:..:..:alarms_alarmprioritytype.htm|AlarmPriorityType]] |No |No |Priority of the circulation pump failure | | |Outputs |Name |Data Type |Meaning| |State |[[..:..:stageinfotype_v2.0.htm|Lib.Mervis.v2_0.StageInfoType]]|Combined source state to the [[..:..:cascadecontroller_v2.0.htm|cascade controller]] | | |Command1 |bool |Command for operating the first stage | | |Command2 |bool |Command for operating the second stage | | |PumpCommand |bool |Command for the circulation pump | | |RunTimeInHours |udint |Source runtime in whole hours | | |PumpCompositeState|udint |Bit field describing the state of the circulation pump (see [[..:..:switcherblock_v2.0.htm|SwitcherBlock v2.0]])| | |Blocks |Name |Data Type |Meaning| |PumpControl |[[..:..:switcherblock_v2.0.htm|Lib.Mervis.v2_0.SwitcherBlock]]|Control of the circulation pump | | |Alarms |[[..:..:alarmsextender4.htm|Lib.Mervis.v1_0.AlarmsExtender4]] |Alarm function block\\ \\ |Alarm Input|[[..:..:alarmspriorities.htm|Priority]]|Meaning |\\ |Alarm1 |33 |Source failure |\\ |Alarm2 |- |Not used |\\ |Alarm3 |33 |Exceeding maximum output value |\\ |Alarm4 |- |Not used || | ===== Detailed Function Description ===== TODO ===== Usage Example ===== ===== Versions ===== {{indexmenu>.020-twostagesource#2}}