Table of Contents

Modulated Source (v1.0)

Full Name



Block used for controlling the performance of a general modulated source.

Required Project References

Usage in ST

program test
        modulatedStage: lib.mervis.v1_0.ModulatedStage;


Description of Inputs and Outputs

Inputs Name Data Type RetainRequired Connection Meaning
OperatingMode Lib.Mervis.v1_0.OperatingModeType Yes No Source operating mode
ManualPower real Yes No Source power in manual mode
StageDemand Lib.Mervis.v1_1.StageControlTypeNo Yes Combined demand from the cascade controller
Running bool No No Feedback signal of source operation
Failure bool No No Feedback signal of source failure
ResetRuntime bool No No Reset runtime hours
Xp real No No PI controller - proportional band
Ti real No No PI controller - integral time
FailureDelay time No No Interval waiting for active source operation feedback
FailureCountLimituint No No Number of consecutive source errors before it is permanently marked as non-functional
FailureTimeout time No No Time after an unsuccessful source start before retrying
LimitingXp real No No PI controller for limiting the maximum output temperature - proportional band
LimitingTi real No No PI controller for limiting the maximum output temperature - integral time
RunTimeSource Lib.Mervis.v1_0.RunTimeSourceType No No Determines how the source runtime hours are counted
Outputs Name Data Type Meaning
State Lib.Mervis.v1_1.StageInfoType Combined source state to the cascade controller
Demand real Required source power
RunTimeInHoursudint Source runtime in whole hours
FailureOutput bool Source fault
AlarmsStatus Lib.Mervis.v1_0.AlarmsStatus Combined interface for alarm indication
RunTime time Source runtime
Blocks Name Data Type Meaning
FailureFbLib.Mervis.v1_0.FailureDetectorBlock for evaluating source failure
Alarms Lib.Mervis.v1_0.AlarmsExtender1Alarm function block

Alarm InputPriorityMeaning
Alarm1 32/33 Source fault

Detailed Function Description


Usage Example