====== Alarm Priorities in Lib.Mervis ====== |Priority|Class|Meaning | |0 to 15 |0 |Total failure, results in blocking the operation enablement.| |16 to 31|1 |Total failure, results in blocking the operation enablement.| |32 to 47|2 |General failure. | |48 to 63|3 |General failure. | **Alarm Class** is used to group multiple priorities into one category. This category is then used for reporting between different alarm blocks (AlarmsAggregator, AlarmsExtender, and AlarmsCoupler) using the [[AlarmsStatus.htm|AlarmsStatus]] structure. If the **priority is odd**, it will automatically reset after it ceases. For **even classes**, the corresponding alarm output (Alarm*Flag) remains active even in the remembered alarm state (i.e., //Memory, AckedMemory//). For **odd** classes, it is active only if the alarm itself is active (i.e., //Active, ActiveAcked//).