Table of Contents

Alarm Interface

Full Name


Required Project References


Usage in ST

program test
        alr: lib.mervis.v1_0.AlarmsInterface;



Name Data TypeRetainMandatory to Connect Meaning
Reset bool No No Reset Alarms
Acknowledge bool No No Acknowledge Alarms
Enable bool No No External enable for subsequent technology (enables the output RunEnabled)
Status AlarmsStatusNo No Extended input for additional alarms
StartupDelay time No No Startup delay after all alarms are reset
HornActiveInLowPriobool No No If true, the horn is active even when a low priority alarm occurs. Not functional on this block type


Name Data Type Meaning
RunEnabled bool Enable input for subsequent technology
StartupCounter time Countdown of remaining time until enable input activation
SummaryTotalAlarm bool Combined indication of high-priority alarm
SummaryLowPrioAlarmbool Combined indication of low-priority alarm
WarningHorn bool Output for horn control
AlarmLight bool Output for fault light control
StatusOut AlarmsStatusOutput for connection to superior alarm blocks

Detailed Function Description

The block is a simplified version of the Alarms Aggregator, with the alarm inputs removed. For these, you can use one of the extender blocks.