====== Alarm Aggregator (v1.1) ====== {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:alarmsaggregator.png}} ==== Full Name ==== Lib.Mervis.v1_1.AlarmsAggregator ==== Required Project References ==== * Lib.Mervis ===== Description ===== [todo] ===== Usage in ST ===== program test var alr: lib.mervis.v1_1.AlarmsAggregator; end_var alr(); end_program ===== Usage in FUPLA ===== {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:alarms_example1_fbd.png}} ===== Used Alarm Priorities in Lib.Mervis ===== ==== Assignment ==== ^Priority^Class^Meaning ^ |0 to 15 |0 |Total failure, results in blocking the operation enablement.| |16 to 31|1 |Total failure, results in blocking the operation enablement.| |32 to 47|2 |General failure. | |48 to 63|3 |General failure. | **Alarm Class** is used to group multiple priorities into one category. This category is then used for reporting between different alarm blocks (AlarmsAggregator, AlarmsExtender, and AlarmsCoupler) using the [[AlarmsStatus.htm|AlarmsStatus]] structure. If the **priority is odd**, it will automatically reset after it ceases. For **even classes**, the corresponding alarm output (Alarm*Flag) remains active even in the remembered alarm state (i.e., //Memory, AckedMemory//). For **odd** classes, it is active only if the alarm itself is active (i.e., //Active, ActiveAcked//). ===== Inputs ===== |Name |Data Type|Retain|Mandatory to Connect |Meaning| |Alarm1 |[[..:alarmtrigger.htm|AlarmTrigger]]|No |No |Alarm Input 1 | | |Alarm2 |[[..:alarmtrigger.htm|AlarmTrigger]]|No |No |Alarm Input 2 | | |Alarm3 |[[..:alarmtrigger.htm|AlarmTrigger]]|No |No |Alarm Input 3 | | |Alarm4 |[[..:alarmtrigger.htm|AlarmTrigger]]|No |No |Alarm Input 4 | | |Alarm5 |[[..:alarmtrigger.htm|AlarmTrigger]]|No |No |Alarm Input 5 | | |Alarm6 |[[..:alarmtrigger.htm|AlarmTrigger]]|No |No |Alarm Input 6 | | |Alarm7 |[[..:alarmtrigger.htm|AlarmTrigger]]|No |No |Alarm Input 7 | | |Alarm8 |[[..:alarmtrigger.htm|AlarmTrigger]]|No |No |Alarm Input 8 | | |Reset |bool |No |No |Reset Alarms | | |Acknowledge |bool |No |No |Acknowledge Alarms | | |Enable |bool |No |No |External enable for subsequent technology (enables the output //RunEnabled//) | | |Status |[[..:alarmsstatus.htm|AlarmsStatus]]|No |No |Extended input for additional alarms | | |StartupDelay |time |No |No |Startup delay after all alarms are reset | | |HornActiveInLowPrio|bool |No |No |If true, the horn is active even when a low priority alarm occurs. **This only works for alarms directly on the aggregator, not for extended blocks connected via //Status//**| | ===== Outputs ===== |Name |Data Type |Meaning| |Alarm1Flag |bool |Indication of non-reset alarm 1 (explanation see [[..:alarmspriorities.htm|alarm priorities]])| | |Alarm2Flag |bool |Indication of non-reset alarm 2 | | |Alarm3Flag |bool |Indication of non-reset alarm 3 | | |Alarm4Flag |bool |Indication of non-reset alarm 4 | | |Alarm5Flag |bool |Indication of non-reset alarm 5 | | |Alarm6Flag |bool |Indication of non-reset alarm 6 | | |Alarm7Flag |bool |Indication of non-reset alarm 7 | | |Alarm8Flag |bool |Indication of non-reset alarm 8 | | |RunEnabled |bool |Enable input for subsequent technology | | |StartupCounter |time |Countdown of remaining time until enable input activation | | |SummaryTotalAlarm |bool |Combined indication of high-priority alarm | | |SummaryLowPrioAlarm|bool |Combined indication of low-priority alarm | | |WarningHorn |bool |Output for horn control | | |AlarmLight |bool |Output for fault light control | | |StatusOut |[[..:alarmsstatus.htm|AlarmsStatus]]|Output for connection to superior alarm blocks | | |Local Variables|Name |Data Type|Retain |Meaning| |AlarmFlags |array[1..8] of [[..:..:alarms_alarmpoint.htm|AlarmPoint]]|Yes |States of individual alarms| | ===== Detailed Function Description ===== [todo] ===== Versions ===== {{indexmenu>.015-alarmsaggregator#2}}