====== Get Exception Error Code ====== {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:getexceptionerrorcode.png}} ===== Function name ===== GETEXCEPTIONERRORCODE ===== Function ===== The function returns number codes of error messages.\\ ===== Inputs ===== |Input |Type|Description | |TASKID|SINT|ID of the task to follow. If it is 0, the currently running task is used. Otherwise it is the task number increased by 1.| The task number is stated in the first column of the task definition table: {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:tasknumber.png}} ===== Outputs ===== |Output|Type|Description | |=> |DINT|Number of current exception| ===== Error messages: ===== oError = 0, FormatCategory = 0x01000000, BuiltInCategory = 0x02000000, InterpretCategory = 0x04000000, Format = 0 + FormatCategory, BuiltIn = 0 + BuiltInCategory, StackOverflow = 0 + InterpretCategory, InvalidOpcode = 1 + InterpretCategory, InvalidOperands = 2 + InterpretCategory, TwoOperandsRequired = 3 + InterpretCategory, OperandRequired = 4 + InterpretCategory, AddrUIDsDoNotMatch = 5 + InterpretCategory, NonexistentStackEntry = 6 + InterpretCategory, AddressRequired = 7 + InterpretCategory, InvalidAddress = 8 + InterpretCategory, OffsetOutOfRange = 9 + InterpretCategory, InvalidParameter = 10 + InterpretCategory, ParamCountMismatch = 11 + InterpretCategory, IntegerRequired = 12 + InterpretCategory, ParamMissing = 13 + InterpretCategory, InvalidCALLParameter = 14 + InterpretCategory, ParamSizeMismatch = 15 + InterpretCategory, InvalidReturnValue = 16 + InterpretCategory, NoReturnValue = 17 + InterpretCategory, SizeMismatch = 18 + InterpretCategory, HaltedProgram = 19 + InterpretCategory, DivideByZero = 20 + InterpretCategory, BadStackOnReturn = 21 + InterpretCategory, ThreeOperandsRequired = 22 + InterpretCategory, UserException = 23 + InterpretCategory, OutOfBoundsException = 24 + InterpretCategory