====== MID ====== {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:mid.png}} ===== Function name ===== MID ===== ST call ===== PROGRAM MID_DEMO VAR STRING1,STRING2: STRING; INT1, INT2: INT; END_VAR STRING1:=MID(IN:=STRING2,L:=INT2,P:=INT1); END_PROGRAM ===== Description ===== The function returns part of the string. The string length is given by the input variable L, the output string starts at the position P of the input string. ===== Inputs ===== |Input|Type |Description | |IN |ANY_STRING|Input string | |L |ANY_INT |Output string length | |P |ANY_INT |Position of the start of the output string within the input string| ===== Outputs ===== |Output|Type |Description | |=> |ANY_STRING|Output string| ===== Application example ===== \\ IN: HAMBURGER\\ L: 3\\ P:1\\ Output: HAM\\ \\ {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:mid_example.png}}