====== Bit composition ====== {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:bd18.png}} ===== Function name ===== BD18_BIT_COMPOSITION ===== ST call ===== PROGRAM BD18_8B_TEST VAR IN1: ARRAY [0 .. 63] OF BOOL; O1: LINT; END_VAR O1:= LIB.Core.V1_0.BD18_BIT_COMPOSITION(IN := IN1); END_PROGRAM ===== Library ===== LIB\CORE ===== Version ===== V1.0 ===== Description ===== Function brings bits together to create an integer value. ===== Inputs ===== |Input |Type |Description | |ENABLED|BOOL |Enable function | |IN |ARRAY [0 .. 63] OF BOOL|Array of input values (bits) | |BS |BOOL |Sign of the //out// output, if //OUT<0// then //BS=FALSE//| |IN0 |BOOL |First input (simple type) | |IN1 |BOOL |Second input (simple type) | ===== Outputs ===== |Output|Type|Description | |OUT |LINT|Output value - bit composition of inputs.| ===== Function ===== The block brings together the input bit values //IN[0..63]// to a lint output //out//. ===== Application example ===== {{:en:mervis-ide:35-help:bd18_example.png}}\\ At the example, simple type (BOOL) inputs are used rather than the input array of BOOLs. The block is used e.g. to create a unit status value, such as Off / On / Auto which corresponds to values of 0 / 1 / 2.