====== ST language commands ====== The ST language commands are ending by a semicolon. The EOL character is treated in the same way as the space character. ^Command^Description ^Example ^ |:= |Assignment.\\ The value calculated on the right is assigned to the identifier on the left. |A := B; C := SIN(X); My_FB(p1 := 10, p2 := 20);| |=> |Assignment.\\ Value of the variable declared on the left is assigned to the identifier on the right. |FB1(out1 => my_var);| |REF= |Reference.\\ Variable on the left is filled with reference to the value on the right. |MyVar := 100; MyRef REF= MyVar; MyRef := 200;| |IF |Selection command.\\ If the BOOLean condition is met the associated command is executed. | IF A > 10 THEN B := 1; ELSE B := 2; END_IF;| |CASE |Selection command.\\ Execution of a block of commands if the CASE condition is met. |CASE TW OF 1,5: DISPLAY := OVEN_TEMP; 2: DISPLAY := MOTOR_SPEED; ELSE DISPLAY := STATUS; END_CASE;| |FOR |Iterative command.\\ A loop of block of commands with an initial value, end condition, and increment value.|FOR I := 0 TO 10 BY 2 DO J := J + 3; END_FOR;| |WHILE |Iterative command.\\ A loop of block of commands with condition for exiting the loop at the beginning. |WHILE J < 10 DO J := J + 2; END_WHILE;| |REPEAT |Iterative command.\\ A loop of block of commands with condition for exiting the loop at the end. | REPEAT J := J + 2; UNTIL J > 10;| |EXIT |Exiting the loop.\\ Premature exiting of the command loop. |EXIT;| |RETURN |Return.\\ Leaving of the currently executed block. |RETURN;|