====== Namespace ====== A namespace is used, as a language tool, for creating of combined entities, especially for library and modular purposes. Its main feature is embedding (e.g. lib.core.v1_0). The same identifier can be used then in the framework of a different namespace. The namespace usage may be global, limited to a unit, by writing the USING directive. As an option, local object access to a namespace using a prefix prior to usage of a particular object may be used. ===== Declaration ===== NAMESPACE name_of_namespace END_NAMESPACE ===== Usage ===== USING name_of_namespace; ===== Example ===== NAMESPACE Lib NAMESPACE My_Lib NAMESPACE V1_0 ... END_NAMESPACE END_NAMESPACE END_NAMESPACE USING System.IO; USING Lib.My_Lib.V1_0; a:= Lib.core.v1_0.b36_pid_controller.out;