====== Elementary Data Types (BOOL, INT, REAL, STRING, etc.) ====== The EN 61131-3 defines the basic set of data types listed in the table below, including keywords, bit length, range, and initial value. ^Keyword ^Type ^Bits^Range ^Initial value ^ |BOOL |Boolean number |1 |0, 1 |0 | |SINT |Short integer |8 |-128 to 127 |0 | |INT |Integer |16 |-32768 to 32767 |0 | |DINT |Integer, double length |32 |-2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647 |0 | |LINT |Long integer |64 |-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 |0 | |USINT |Unsigned short integer |8 |0 to 255 |0 | |UINT |Unsigned integer |16 |0 to 65535 |0 | |UDINT |Unsigned integer, double length |32 |0 to 4294967295 |0 | |ULINT |Unsigned long integer |64 |0 to 18446744073709551615 |0 | |REAL |Floating point number (single precision)|32 |-3.40282347E+38 to 3.40282347E+38 (closest to zero is 1.401298E-45) |0.0 | |LREAL |Floating point number (double precision)|64 |-1.7976931348623157E+308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308 (closest to zero is 4.94065645841247E-324)|0.0 | |TIME |Time period duration |64 |- |T#0s (Note 1) | |LTIME |Time period duration |64 |units: ns |T#0s (Note 1) | |DATE |Date |64 |- |1.1.1970 00:00:00 | |LDATE |Date |64 |units: ns since 1.1. 1970 |LDATE#1970-01-01 | |TIME_OF_DAY (short: TOD) |Time in a day |64 |- |TOD#00:00:00 | |LTIME_OF_DAY (short: LTOD) |Time in a day |64 |units: ns since 1.1. 1970 |LTOD#00:00:00 | |DATE_AND_TIME (short: DT) |Absolute time |64 |- |- | |LDATE_AND_TIME (short: LDT)|Absolute time |64 |units: ns since 1.1. 1970 |LDT1970-01-01-00:00:00| |STRING |String of characters |16 |max. 255 characters |'' (empty string) | |BYTE |Sequence of 8 bits |8 |16#FF |16#00 | |WORD |Sequence of 16 bits |16 |16#FFFF |16#0000 | |DWORD |Sequence of 32 bits |32 |16#FFFFFFFF |16#00000000 | |LWORD |Sequence of 64 bits |64 |16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF |16#0000000000000000 | \\ Note 1: Format of time is as follows: T# and numeric value in days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), and milliseconds (ms). The units can be combined. Examples: T#1h, T#20m, T#1h10m7s, T#15m1s = T#901s, T#1500ms = T#1s500ms.