Table of Contents

IEC 60870-5-104 Server


Mervis RT includes the functionality of an IEC 60870-5-104 server to provide data access to third parties.

Interface in PLC

Limitations and Notes

Important: For the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol to function, Mervis RT must be activated with an extended license that includes this protocol.

Configuration in Mervis IDE

As with other protocols, using the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol requires defining a server channel of the appropriate type at the PLC level.

One or more devices can be defined on the channel, differing in the set Common Address (ASDU) and TCP port.

Server Communication Channel

IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol Parameters


Device properties include parameters for connecting clients to the server:

TCP Parameters

IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol Parameters

Data Point

IEC 60870-5-104 Data Point Parameters

Supported Data Types

M_SP_NA_1 [1] Single point information
M_SP_TA_1 [2] Single point information with time tag
M_DP_NA_1 [3] Double point information
M_DP_TA_1 [4] Double point information with time tag
M_ST_NA_1 [5] Step position information
M_ST_TA_1 [6] Step position information with time tag
M_BO_NA_1 [7] Bitstring of 32 bits
M_BO_TA_1 [8] Bitstring of 32 bits with time tag
M_ME_NA_1 [9] Measured normalized value
M_ME_TA_1 [10] Measured normalized value with time tag
M_ME_NB_1 [11] Measured scaled value
M_ME_TB_1 [12] Measured scaled value with time tag
M_ME_NC_1 [13] Measured short floating point value
M_ME_TC_1 [14] Measured short floating point value with time tag
M_ME_ND_1 [21] Measured normalized value without quality descriptor
M_SP_TB_1 [30] Single point information with CP56Time2a time tag
M_DP_TB_1 [31] Double point information with CP56Time2a time tag
M_ST_TB_1 [32] Step position information with CP56Time2a time tag
M_BO_TB_1 [33] Bitstring of 32 bits with CP56Time2a time tag
M_ME_TD_1 [34] Measured normalized value with CP56Time2a time tag
M_ME_TE_1 [35] Measured scaled value with CP56Time2a time tag
M_ME_TF_1 [36] Measured short floating point value with CP56Time2a time tag
C_SC_NA_1 [45] Single command
C_DC_NA_1 [46] Double command
C_RC_NA_1 [47] Regulating step command
C_SE_NA_1 [48] Set-point command, normalised value
C_SE_NB_1 [49] Set-point command, scaled value
C_SE_NC_1 [50] Set-point command, short floating point value
C_BO_NA_1 [51] Bitstring command, 32 bits
C_SC_TA_1 [58] Single command with CP56Time2a time tag
C_DC_TA_1 [59] Double command with CP56Time2a time tag
C_RC_TA_1 [60] Regulating step command with CP56Time2a time tag
C_SE_TA_1 [61] Set-point command, normalised value with CP56Time2a time tag
C_SE_TB_1 [62] Set-point command, scaled value with CP56Time2a time tag
C_SE_TC_1 [63] Set-point command, short floating point value with CP56Time2a time tag
C_BO_TA_1 [64] Bitstring command, 32 bits with CP56Time2a time tag