Table of Contents

Jablotron100 (JA-121T) Protocol Driver

A driver for communication with the Jablotron JA-121T module. Jablotron 100 is an RS-485 gateway for Jablotron 100 closed bus. In the Mervis IDE, the driver is named „Jablotron 100“. A Lib.Jablotron library is also included, albeit it requires to add a reference to it. The library contains SectionTransform transformation for sections, and SectionFlags and SectionFlagsHolder function blocks.

The library also features the SectionState enumerated type.

Using the SectionState enumerated type


The SectionState enumerated type variable is defined by the Lib. Jablotron library.

Example of its usage in ST:

Declaration of a SectionState-type variable named State.

   State : SectionState;

Writing a particular state into a variable:

   State := SectionState#STATE;


For reading a particular state from the SectionState enumerated type, the EQ function block will serve the best. The IN1 input receives state value of the monitored section (Section_state), while the IN2 input is hidden with lib.jablotron.v1_0.sectionstate#STATE set as its default value.

Replace the STATE value (always placed after #) with the required SectionState state according to the table below:

USINT SectionStateMeaning
1 Ready Ready
2 ArmedPart Partially armed
3 Armed Armed
4 Maintenance Maintenance
5 Service Service
6 Blocked Blocked
7 Off Unused
othersUnknown Unknown


All prepared Jablotron device in Mervis IDE contains datapoints linked to state of section (section_state). All these section datpoints are configured to use transformation “SectionTransform”.

The SectionTransform transforms the internal USINT represenstation of the state of section into a Enumeration of SectionState type.

Datapoint defined in Mervis IDE for a Jablotron device is not available in the program, as it is only a definition of communication. To use it, you need to assign a variable of the corresponding data type. Alternatively, you can use the Autogen feature to create and assign variables automatically.

Communication channel

First, you need to create a communication channel determining which protocol and port will the PLC use to communicate with the Jablotron 100 control module. The JA-121T module communicates via RS-485 (8n1) interface at the speed of 9600 bps.

Channel Properties

Jablotron 100 protocol properties

Serial line parameters

Communication Channel Device

Right-click on the channel to display a context menu. You can add a definition for your version of Jablotron 100 ESS by clicking on Add Library Device. The device represents the maximum number of data points (sections, PGs, peripherals) available for the given Jablotron 100 control module variant. Only a single control module can be connected to a single serial channel.

By selecting the device in Mervis IDE, its properties will be displayed in the right panel:

Device properties

Prototype definition

Device information

Groups of datapoints

By double-clicking the device, a panel will open for defining groups and data points in the device. The communication runs by datapoint groups. Within a single group (= a single read query), it is possible to send a query for the status of multiple or all sections, PGs or peripherals at once. The control module responds by sending the current status of all queried groups, PGs or peripherals. If used correctly, group communication does not cause any significant load on the bus. All peripherals are read, including the unused ones if not removed. Variables must be always assigned to a group.

However, using a multiple-datapoint group is not always the best way to go. For example, write groups use only a single-datapoint group by default.

The selected Jablotron 100 library device has the maximum number of data points already defined. Group attributes are described below.

Group properties

Jablotron 100 group properties


The next chapter describes definitions of data points into which the driver will load control module values collected from group communication.

Datapoint properties

Jablotron 100 datapoint parameters



Couple of datapoints

Defining couples to variables is also elaborated on here. Both read and write variables can be mapped to couples, creating a read/write variable.

Couple properties




Groups of write datapoints

The last important bit of info for successful configuration of communication with Jablotron 100 control module (write only) is to know the definition for writing data into the control module (sector state, PG).

Group attributes look like the following:

The difference between a read and a write group is, that the group type is WriteOnly and the group contains only two lines