====== BACnet PICS ======
PICS, or Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement, is a document that describes the BACnet implementation properties in a standardized way. According to the performance of a particular platform, its communication ports, functionality of the device (e.g. a radiator controller or a management station), version, etc., certain functionalities were programmed in the device. The manufacturer states the important properties in the form of a standardized document, so that system integrators can easily see to what extent the device is compliant with the BACnet standard. In the text below, the unsupported properties are striked through because of formatting features of the help. The PICS is also downloadable as a pdf file at [[http://www.domat.cz|www.domat.cz]].
**BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement**
Date: 2019-11-10\\
Vendor Name: Domat Control System s.r.o.\\
Product Name: mark... PLCs with Merbon runtime\\
Product Model Number: markMX, mark220, mark320, mark125, ICIO205, IMIO105, IMIO110, wMX..., wCIO..., w750...\\
Application Software Version: Firmware Revision: 201911 BACnet Protocol Revision: 135-2012\\
==== Product Description: ====
Mark PLCs are freely programmable controllers for use in HVAC automation, building and process control, and data integration.\\
==== BACnet Standardized Device Profile (Annex L): ====
* BACnet Operator Workstation (B-OWS)
* BACnet Advanced Operator Workstation (B-AWS)
* BACnet Operator Display (B-OD)
* BACnet Building Controller (B-BC)
* **BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC)**
* **BACnet Application Specific Controller (B-ASC)**
* BACnet Smart Sensor (B-SS)
* BACnet Smart Actuator (B-SA)
==== List all BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks Supported (Annex K): ====
==== Segmentation Capability: ====
* Able to transmit segmented messages Window Size: 1476
* Able to receive segmented messages Window Size: 1476
==== Standard Object Types Supported: ====
If not stated otherwise,
* Creating or deleting of dynamic objects is not supported
* No additional writable properties (other than the ones required by this standard) are supported
* No proprietary properties are implemented
* No range restrictions on properties exist
=== Device ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* System_Status
* Vendor_Name
* Vendor_Identifier
* Model_Name
* Firmware_Revision
* Application_Software_Version
* Protocol_Version
* Protocol_Revision
* Protocol_Services_Supported
* Protocol_Object_Types_Supported
* Object_List
* Max_APDU_Length_Accepted
* Segmentation_Supported
* APDU_Timeout
* Number_Of_APDU_Retries
* Device_Address_Binding
* Database_Revision
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
* Local_Time
* Local_Date
* Max_Segments_Accepted
* UTC_Offset
* Daylight_Savings_Status
=== AI - Analog Input ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Present_Value
* Status_Flags
* Event_State
* Out_Of_Service
* Units
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
* Min_Pres_Value
* Max_Pres_Value
=== AO - Analog Output ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Present_Value
* Status_Flags
* Event_State
* Out_Of_Service
* Units
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
* Min_Pres_Value
* Max_Pres_Value
Not supported properties:
* Priority_Array
* Relinquish_Default
* Current_Command_Priority
=== AV - Analog Value ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Present_Value
* Status_Flags
* Event_State
* Out_Of_Service
* Units
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
* Min_Pres_Value
* Max_Pres_Value
Not supported properties:
* Priority_Array
* Relinquish_Default
* Current_Command_Priority
=== BI - Binary Input ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Present_Value
* Status_Flags
* Event_State
* Out_Of_Service
* Polarity
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
* Active_Text
* Inactive_Text
=== BO - Binary Output ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Present_Value
* Status_Flags
* Event_State
* Out_Of_Service
* Polarity
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
* Active_Text
* Inactive_Text
Not supported properties:
* Priority_Array
* Relinquish_Default
* Current_Command_Priority
=== BV - Binary Value ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Present_Value
* Status_Flags
* Event_State
* Out_Of_Service
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
* Active_Text
* Inactive_Text
Not supported properties:
* Priority_Array
* Relinquish_Default
* Current_Command_Priority
=== MI - Multistate Input ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Present_Value
* Status_Flags
* Event_State
* Out_Of_Service
* Number_Of_States
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
* State_Text
=== MO - Multistate Output ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Present_Value
* Status_Flags
* Event_State
* Out_Of_Service
* Number_Of_States
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
* State_Text
Not supported properties:
* Priority_Array
* Relinquish_Default
* Current_Command_Priority
=== MV - Multistate Value ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Present_Value
* Status_Flags
* Event_State
* Out_Of_Service
* Number_Of_States
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
* State_Text
Not supported properties:
* Priority_Array
* Relinquish_Default
* Current_Command_Priority
=== Schedule ===
Required properties supported:
* Present_Value
* Schedule_Default
* Status_Flags
* Reliability
* Out_Of_Service
* Number_Of_States
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Weekly_Schedule
* Description
* State_Text
* Event_State
Not supported properties:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Effective_Period
* Priority_For_Writing
* List_Of_Object_Property_References
Real, Boolean, and Integer value types are supported in schedules, depending on the schedule type engineered in the PLC. Weekly_Schedule is supported.
=== Event Enrollment ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Event_Type
* Notify_Type
* Event_Parameters
* Object_Property_Reference
* Event_State
* Event_Enable
* Acked_Transitions
* Notification_Class
* Event_Time_Stamps
* Event_Detection_Enable
* Status_Flags
* Reliability
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
=== Notification Class ===
Required properties supported:
* Object_Identifier
* Object_Name
* Object_Type
* Notification_Class
* Priority
* Ack_Required
* Recipient_list
* Property_List
Optional properties supported:
* Description
* Event_State
* Status_Flags
==== Data Link Layer Options: ====
* **BACnet IP, (Annex J)**
* BACnet IP, (Annex J), Foreign Device
* ISO 8802-3, Ethernet (Clause 7)
* ATA 878.1, 2.5 Mb. ARCNET (Clause 8)
* ATA 878.1, EIA-485 ARCNET (Clause 8), baud rate(s):
* MS/TP master (Clause 9), baud rate(s):
* MS/TP slave (Clause 9), baud rate(s):
* Point-To-Point, EIA 232 (Clause 10), baud rate(s):
* Point-To-Point, modem, (Clause 10), baud rate(s):
* LonTalk, (Clause 11), medium:
* BACnet/ZigBee (ANNEX O)
* Other:
==== Device Address Binding: ====
Is static device binding supported? (This is currently necessary for two-way communication with MS/TP slaves and certain other devices.)
* Yes
* **No**
==== Networking Options: ====
* Router, Clause 6 - List all routing configurations, e.g., ARCNET-Ethernet, Ethernet-MS/TP, etc.
* Annex H, BACnet Tunneling Router over IP
* BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device (BBMD)
* Does the BBMD support registrations by Foreign Devices?
* Yes
* No
* Does the BBMD support network address translation?
* Yes
* No
==== Network Security Options: ====
* **Non-secure Device - is capable of operating without BACnet Network Security**
* Secure Device - is capable of using BACnet Network Security (NS-SD BIBB)
* Multiple Application-Specific Keys:
* Supports encryption (NS-ED BIBB)
* Key Server (NS-KS BIBB)
==== Character Sets Supported: ====
Indicating support for multiple character sets does not imply that they can all be supported simultaneously.
* **ISO 10646 (UTF-8)**
* IBM/Microsoft DBCS
* ISO 8859-1
* ISO 10646 (UCS-2)
* ISO 10646 (UCS-4)
* JIS X 0208
==== If this product is a communication gateway, describe the types of non-BACnet equipment/networks(s) that the gateway supports: ====
Other protocols supported are Modbus RTU (server/client), Modbus TCP (server/client), M-Bus, IEC 62056-21, SSCP, SoftPLC Link, etc.