====== Modbus ====== ===== Import Device Definition ===== You can use simple CSV file to import definition of modbus device into your Mervis IDE project. ==== Columns ==== ^ Name ^ Description ^ ^ StationNumber | Modbus server address | ^ Name | Variable name | ^ Element | Register/Coil address. \\ The concrete bit position (LSB=.1 to MSB=.16) or byte (.Lo or .Hi) can be specified for Registers - see examples below | ^ Count | Number of modbus elements to be read/written | ^ Function | Coil/DiscreteInput/InputRegister/HoldingRegister | ^ Writable | Read only = 0, Read/Write = 1 | ^ StType | Standard Mervis IDE variable type | ^ ByteOrder | Leave empty for default byte order or specify correct byte positions as numbers from 1 to 8 (eg. 1234/3412/4321/2143 for 32 bit number) | ^ K | Transformation parameter for y = Kx + Q | ^ Q | Transformation parameter for y = Kx + Q | ^ X1 | Alternative definition for y = Kx + Q, where the parameters are computed from [X1,Y1], [X2,Y2] points of the line. | ^ Y1 | Alternative definition for y = Kx + Q, where the parameters are computed from [X1,Y1], [X2,Y2] points of the line. | ^ X2 | Alternative definition for y = Kx + Q, where the parameters are computed from [X1,Y1], [X2,Y2] points of the line. | ^ Y2 | Alternative definition for y = Kx + Q, where the parameters are computed from [X1,Y1], [X2,Y2] points of the line. | StationNumber,Name,Element,Count,Function,Writable,StType,ByteOrder,K,Q,X1,Y1,X2,Y2 1,Variable001,1201,1,InputRegister,0,Int,12,,,,,, 1,Variable002,1202,1,InputRegister,0,Int,12,,,,,, 1,Variable003,1203,1,InputRegister,0,Int,12,,,,,, 1,Variable004,501,2,InputRegister,0,Real,3412,,,,,, 1,Variable005,503,2,InputRegister,0,Real,3412,,,,,, 1,Variable006,505,2,InputRegister,0,Real,3412,,,,,, 1,Variable007,507,2,InputRegister,0,Real,,,,,,, 1,Variable008,407,1,HoldingRegister,0,Int,,0.1,,,,, 1,Variable009,408,1,HoldingRegister,0,Int,,,,,,, 1,Variable010,409,1,HoldingRegister,0,Int,,,,,,, 1,Variable011,425,1,HoldingRegister,0,Int,,,,,,, 1,Variable012,426,1,HoldingRegister,0,Int,,,,,,, 1,Variable013,427,1,HoldingRegister,0,Int,,,,,,, 1,Variable014,428,1,HoldingRegister,0,Int,,,,,,, 1,Variable015,429,1,HoldingRegister,0,Int,,,,,,, 1,Variable016,1,2,HoldingRegister,0,Real,,0.1,0,,,, 1,Variable017,3,2,HoldingRegister,0,Real,,,,0,0,20,10 1,Variable018,5,2,HoldingRegister,0,Real,,,,,,, 1,Variable019,7,2,HoldingRegister,0,Real,,,,,,, StationNumber,Name,Element,Count,Function,Writable,StType,ByteOrder,K,Q,X1,Y1,X2,Y2 1,Variable001_bit1,1201.1,1,InputRegister,0,Bool,12,,,,,, 1,Variable001_bit10,1201.10,1,InputRegister,0,Bool,12,,,,,, 1,Variable001_Hi,1201.Hi,1,InputRegister,0,Usint,12,,,,,,