All our cloud services are provided from the following data centers:
We strive for very low operational costs, which is reflected in the very low hosting prices for Mervis SCADA and Mervis DB for our customers.
We use both Windows and Linux operating systems. Most of the software applications running on our servers have been developed in-house. This allows us to further reduce operational costs since we have no licensing fees associated with our growth, and we can fine-tune performance and features to meet our expectations.
We do not offer any SLA, but our measured availability has been 99.5%-99.95% each year over the last five years.
We perform regular backups of all data to two locations outside the data center every 24 hours.
We provide services to customers who are part of the state’s critical infrastructure, and we regularly test the functionality of data recovery and system installation.
We regularly update our servers.
Both Mervis SCADA and Mervis DB offer secure (HTTPS with Let’s Encrypt certificates) communication APIs. For BMS and control systems that are not capable of encryption, we also provide unencrypted communication channels. We consider the current state of control systems and communication standards used in building automation to be very unsatisfactory, and we are working hard to change that.
Due to users who are part of the state’s critical infrastructure, we regularly undergo penetration testing and overall security testing of our servers.
Most devices are connected to our cloud through the communication infrastructure we developed, Mervis Proxy, or more recently via the faster solution Mervis CloudAccess.