====== API ======
Mervis DB nabízí otevřené rozhraní protokolu [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOAP|SOAP]]. Odpovídající WSDL je k ke stažení:
* {{:en:mervis-db:mervisdb_wsdl-2017-07-12.xml|mervisdb_wsdl-2017-07-12.xml}}
Pro speciální použití existují i další rozhraní pro komunikaci s Mervis DB - pro jejich použití a popis kontaktujte prosím [[:cs:help:support|technickou podporu]].
===== Seznam základních podporovaných funkcí =====
^SaveData|Save one or multiple records from one or multiple variables|
^GetData/GetDataAsync|Read one or multiple records from one or multiple variables.|
^GetParticularData/GetParticulatDataAsync|Optimized method for reading of "special" data - last value, last value after certain time moment etc.|
^GetVariables|Get the list of variables.|
^GetAllVariables| |
^DeleteVariables| |
^DeleteData| |
^ReplaceData|Delete data from time range and save one or multiple records from one or multiple variables in one API call|
^EnsureVariables| |
^GetTransformedData/GetTransformedDataAsync|Method for reading of aggregated results with given time period, the aggregation may be Min, Max, Integral, Weighted average, First, Last and Median |
^GetServerVersion| |
^CheckCredentials| |
===== Vlastnosti objektu =====
* (UTC) Časová známka - UTC časová známka záznamu
* Platnost do - UTC časová známka konce platnosti konkrétního záznamu
* Interval - doba (v sekundách), kdy by měla být zaznamenána další hodnota
===== Příklady použití =====
==== C# ====
{{ :en:mervis-db:mervis_db_csharp.png?direct&800 |}}
=== Download ===
{{ :en:mervis-db:mervisdb_getdata_example.zip |}}\\
{{ :cs:mervis-db:mervisdb_savedata_example.zip |}}
=== Kód ===
using ESG.Core.Access.Client;
using ESG.Db.Server.Shared;
using ESG.Db.ServerAccess;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace DbClientTest
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Create access to the real server.
// Without SSL connections, you have to remove binding parameters "" in the App.config.
// The client is automatically generated from the WSDL file available here: https://kb.mervis.info/doku.php/en:mervis-db:10-api
using (HistoryDbAccessClient client = new HistoryDbAccessClient(HistoryDbAccessClient.EndpointConfiguration.HistoryAccess, "https://localhost:9876/RcWareDbAccess"))
// Authentication credetials in the database.
Credentials credentials = new Credentials
Name = "XXXX",
Password = "YYYY"
// Specification of the variables through Key-Value.
// Here we use 2 variables.
ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[][] keys = new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[][] {
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[] {
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "DPGuid","338E2882-D72B-4D17-A241-73E8BC30F458"),
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "StationName", "AAABBB")
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[] {
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "DPGuid", "CC80211D-3D29-4CC2-91A2-F69483D566B5"),
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "StationName", "AAABBB")
// From-To dates. The dates must be specified in the UTC time zone.
DateTime utcTo = DateTime.UtcNow;
DateTime utcFrom = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1);
// Retrieving the data goes through cycling of values and variables. The server returns recommended values needed for the the next cycle.
int variableOffset = 0; // the offset of the variable
int variableCount = 10; // maximal number of variables returned in one request
int valueOffset; // the offset of the value
int valueCount = 1000; // maximal values in on request
Console.WriteLine("Reading values...");
valueOffset = 0;
// Execute the request.
var result = await client.GetDataAsyncAsync(credentials, keys, utcFrom, utcTo, variableOffset, variableCount, valueOffset, valueCount);
// Check the return code. "0;OK" is what we want.
if (!result.ReturnCode.StartsWith("0;"))
Console.WriteLine("Error on reading: {0}", result.ReturnCode);
// Cycle through the data and print it out.
foreach (var valRecord in result.Data)
Console.WriteLine("Variable: {0}", String.Concat(valRecord.Keys.Select((i) =>
return String.Format("{0}={1}; ", i.Key, i.Value);
foreach (var value in valRecord.Values)
Console.WriteLine("{0}->{1} [{2}] {3}", value.UtcTimeStamp, value.GoodThrough, value.HistoryValueType, value.DoubleValue /* Use value type according to the Hvt (History Value Type) */ );
valueOffset = result.NextValueOffset;
variableOffset = result.NextVariableOffset;
while (valueOffset != -1);
while (variableOffset != -1);
catch (Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", exc.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("DB communication finished");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MervisDb_SaveData_Example.MervisDbService;
namespace MervisDb_SaveData_Example
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Create access to the real server.
// Without SSL connections, you have to remove binding parameters "" in the App.config.
// The client is automatically generated from the WSDL file available here: https://kb.mervis.info/doku.php/en:mervis-db:10-api
using (HistoryDbAccessClient client = new HistoryDbAccessClient(HistoryDbAccessClient.EndpointConfiguration.HistoryAccess, "https://localhost:9876/RcWareDbAccess"))
// Authentication credetials in the database.
Credentials credentials = new Credentials { Name = "XXXX", Password = "YYYY" };
// Adding records...
List records = new List();
DateTime utcTimeStamp = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
// Each value is stored in a ValueRecord structure
ValueRecord rec = new ValueRecord();
rec.UtcTimeStamp = utcTimeStamp; // time stamp of the value, UTC date time must be used
rec.HistoryValueType = HistoryValueType.Double; // type of the value
rec.DoubleValue = 23.4; // value itself
rec.Interval = 60.0; // sampling period in seconds. When the difference of timestamps of subsequent values if greater than 1.1 multiple of the interval, the data should be considered incomplete.
rec.Keys = new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[] // identification of the variable. At least one key-value pair must be "IsKey" to identify a variable.
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "Root", "Building A"),
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "Level1", "Floor 1"),
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "Level2", "Room 7"),
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "Level3", "Temperature"),
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(false, "Description", "Temperature in the room 7"),
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(false, "Unit", "°C"),
// Save data method returns the number of stored records
int recordsSaved = await client.SaveDataAsync(credentials, records.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine("Records saved: {0}", recordsSaved);
catch (Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", exc.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("DB communication finished");
using ESG.Core.Access.Client;
using ESG.Db.Server.Shared;
using ESG.Db.ServerAccess;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DbClientTest
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
RcWareDbClient dbClient = new RcWareDbClient(false, "RcWareDbAccess", new Uri("http://localhost:9876/RcWareDbAccess"));
dbClient.Credentials = new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.Credentials("xxxxxxx", "xxxxxxx");
DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[] varKeysNew = new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[]
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "DPGuid", "51111111-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"),
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "StationName", "db_replace_test")
ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[] varKeys1 = new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[]
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "DPGuid", "60ace716-5e1e-4cf8-ab05-947dce0caf77"),
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair(true, "SoftPlcRtId", "db_replace_test")
ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[] varKeys = varKeys1;
// generate some records
List recsToSave = new List();
TimeSpan recsLength = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);
int recsPerMinute = 4;
Random r = new Random((int)DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks);
double rBase = r.NextDouble() * 10;
for (int i = 0; i < (recsLength.TotalSeconds / 60) * recsPerMinute; i++)
recsToSave.Add(new ValueRecord(utcNow - recsLength + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(i * (1.0 / recsPerMinute)), rBase + ((i % 2) + 1) * (-4)));
recsToSave[recsToSave.Count - 1].Keys = varKeys;
recsToSave[recsToSave.Count - 1].Interval = 60 / recsPerMinute;
recsToSave.Add(new ValueRecord(utcNow - recsLength + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(i * (1.0 / recsPerMinute)), rBase + ((i % 2) + 1) * (-4)));
recsToSave[recsToSave.Count - 1].Keys = varKeysNew;
recsToSave[recsToSave.Count - 1].Interval = 60 / recsPerMinute;
var res = await dbClient.ReplaceDataAsync(new List { varKeys }, utcNow.Subtract(recsLength), utcNow, recsToSave.ToArray());
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MervisDb_GetTransformedData_Example.MervisDbService;
namespace MervisDb_GetTransformedData_Example
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Create access to the real server.
// Without SSL connections, you have to remove binding parameters "" in the App.config.
// The client is automatically generated from the WSDL file available here: https://kb.mervis.info/doku.php/en:mervis-db:10-api
using (HistoryDbAccessClient client = new HistoryDbAccessClient(HistoryDbAccessClient.EndpointConfiguration.HistoryAccess, "http://localhost:9876/RcWareDbAccess"))
// Authentication credentials in the database.
Credentials credentials = new Credentials { Name = "XXXXX", Password = "YYYYY" };
// Specification of the variables through Key-Value.
// Here we use 2 variables.
ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[][] variableKeys = new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[][] {
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[] {
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair (/*IsKeyId*/ false, /*Key*/ "DPGuid", /*Value*/ "338E2882-D72B-4D17-A241-73E8BC30F458"),
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair (/*IsKeyId*/ false, /*Key*/ "StationName", /*Value*/ "AAABBB")
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair[] {
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair (/*IsKeyId*/ false, /*Key*/ "DPGuid", /*Value*/ "CC80211D-3D29-4CC2-91A2-F69483D566B5"),
new ESG.Db.Server.Shared.KeyValuePair (/*IsKeyId*/ false, /*Key*/ "StationName", /*Value*/ "AAABBB")
// Aggregation request
var aggregation = new AggregationRequest();
aggregation.Types = new AggregationType[] { AggregationType.Last };
aggregation.Interpolation = InterpolationType.None;
//aggregation.MaxNeighborDistance = ..only for interpolation;
aggregation.IsoPattern = new string[] { "PT15M" }; // 15 min period (ISO 8601 duration pattern)
aggregation.From = new DateTime(2018, 11, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
aggregation.To = new DateTime(2018, 11, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
aggregation.TimeZone = @"Europe/Prague";
// Retrieving the data goes through cycling of intervals and variables. The server returns recommended intervals needed for the the next cycle.
int variableOffset = 0; // the offset of the variable
int variableCount = 10; // maximal number of variables returned in one request
int intervalOffset; // the offset of the interval
int intervalCount = 1000; // maximal values in on request
Console.WriteLine("Reading values...");
intervalOffset = 0;
// Execute the request.
var result = await client.GetTransformedDataAsyncAsync(credentials, aggregation, variableKeys, variableOffset, variableCount, intervalOffset, intervalCount);
// Check the return code. "0;OK" is what we want.
if (!result.ReturnCode.StartsWith("0;"))
Console.WriteLine("Error on reading: {0}", result.ReturnCode);
// Cycle through the data and print it out.
if (result.Data != null)
foreach (VariableAggregate vag in result.Data)
Console.WriteLine("Variable: {0}", String.Concat(vag.Keys.Select((i) => { return String.Format("{0}={1}; ", i.Key, i.Value); })));
foreach (Interval value in vag.Data)
Console.Write(" {0}->{1} quality: {2:0.00} ", value.Begin, value.End, value.DataQuality);
if (value.Last != null)
Console.Write(" Last Value: {0} (stamp {1}, origin {2})", value.Last.Value, value.Last.Stamp, value.Last.Origin);
variableOffset = result.NextVariableOffset;
intervalOffset = result.NextIntervalOffset;
} while (intervalOffset != -1);
} while (variableOffset != -1);
Console.WriteLine("DB communication is running in background");
catch (Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", exc.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("DB communication finished");
==== Matlab ====
{{ :en:mervis-db:mervisdb_matlab_api.png?direct&800 |}}
=== Podporované funkce ===
^SaveData|Save one or multiple records from one or multiple variables|
^GetData|Read one or multiple records from one or multiple variables.|
^GetDataUnmerged|Read one or multiple records from one or multiple variables. Allow more setting options than GetData function|
^GetDataOrigin|Read data exactly as are stored in the database.|
^DeleteVariable|Delete entire variable or some certain interval.|
^GetRequiredTimestamp|Get time stamp depending on input options.|
=== Toolbox ===
Pro komunikaci Matlabu s Mervis DB potřebujete nainstalovat toolbox:
* {{ :en:mervis-db:mervisdb_matlabtoolbox.zip |}}.
* Zobrazení nápovědy ke každé z funkcí je možné: help MervisDatabse.supported_function_name
=== Kód ===
% Instance of Mervis DB
mervisDB = MervisDatabase('username', 'password', 'dbUrl');
% Time interval definition
from = localMatlab2utcMatlab(datenum(2017, 1, 1)); %1.1.2017 in utc
to = localMatlab2utcMatlab(datenum(2017, 31, 1)); %31.1.2017 in utc
samplePeriod = 5*60; % 5 minutes
outputTimeZone = 'Local'; % possible 'Local' or 'Utc' parameter;
% Specifying varibles to download
varKeys1 = {'DPGuid', '338E2882-D72B-4D17-A241-73E8BC30F458';...
'StationName', 'XXXXXXX'}; % Keys definition of first variable
varKeys2 = {'DPGuid', 'CC80211D-3D29-4CC2-91A2-F69483D566B5';...
'StationName', 'YYYYYYY'}; % Keys definition of second variable
variable1 = MervisDbVariable(varKeys1); % Create MervisDbVariable object from defined keys
variable2 = MervisDbVariable(varKeys2);
arrayOfVarKeys = [variable1; variable2]; % array of MervisDbVariables objects
% help for function getData
help MervisDatabase.getData
% Download required data
[data, time] = mervisDB.getData(arrayOfVarKeys, from, to, samplePeriod, outputTimeZone);
% Get all variables with defined keys
allVaribales = mervisDB.getAllVars(varKeys1);
==== PHP ====
=== Kód ===
'trace' => 0,
$credentials = array(
'Name' => 'XXXXXXX',
'Password' => 'YYYYYYY'
$utcTZ = new DateTimezone('UTC'); //all time realted values are expected in UTC
$utcFrom = new DateTime('-120minutes', $utcTZ); //
$utcTo = new DateTime('now', $utcTZ); //
$valOffset = 0;
$valCount = 20; //how many values should be returned in one request at most. Recommended value: 5000
$varOffset = 0;
$varCount = 4; //how many variable should be returned in on request at most
$variablesKey = array(
'IsKey' => true,
'Key' => 'DPGuid',
'Value' => '338E2882-D72B-4D17-A241-73E8BC30F458'
'IsKey' => true,
'Key' => 'StationName',
'Value' => 'AAAAAAAAAA'
'IsKey' => true,
'Key' => 'DPGuid',
'Value' => 'CC80211D-3D29-4CC2-91A2-F69483D566B5'
'IsKey' => true,
'Key' => 'StationName',
'Value' => 'BBBBBBB'
echo "Reading values from: {$utcFrom->format('c')} to: {$utcTo->format('c')}\n\n";
$counter = 0;
do {
$response = null;
$valOffset = 0;
do {
$response = $soapClient->GetData(array(
'credentials' => $credentials,
'variablesKey' => $variablesKey,
'utcFrom' => $utcFrom->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'),
'utcTo' => $utcTo->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'),
'valueOffset' => $valOffset,
'valueCount' => $valCount,
'variableCount' => $varCount,
'variableOffset' => $varOffset
$valOffset = $response->nextValueOffset;
$varOffset = $response->nextVariableOffset;
foreach ($response->GetDataResult->Mvr as $varArray) {
foreach ($varArray->Keys->KeyValuePair as $kvp) //the set of keys depends on the source of the data
if ($kvp->Key == 'DPName') {
echo "\n{$kvp->Value}\n";
if (isset($varArray->Vals->I)) {
foreach ($varArray->Vals->I as $val) {
echo " t: {$val->Ts} Interval: {$val->Ivl} {$valOffset} {$varOffset}\n";
} else {
echo "empty\n";
} while ($response->nextValueOffset != -1); //-1 - no more data available
} while ($response->nextVariableOffset != -1); //-1 - no more data available
catch (Exception $e) {